"The Dads Who Fought Back" Available On-line

The Dads Who Fought Back, the documentary of father's stories in the justice system can now be viewed online.

The main page can be found here.

The episode is broken into six pieces, and should be viewed in this order:


Not sure how long it will be available -- it's definitely worth watching.


Ed. note: Tried to view the main page but got a message saying this video was only available to Canadian viewers. However if you use the list of direct links above, it should show for you. Again, high-speed connection with solid O/S strongly recommended, as this is streamed content.

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The first one in the list is okay, but the remaining five seem to be a preview of some violent horror movie called "SAW 3" (naturally in this movie, it is largely male perpetrators with female victims. But that is beside the point).
If anyone can figure out how to get to the right videos, let us know!

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Hmm, very weird. The links are fine (for me anyway); all the parts of the movie come up OK. Were you trying to view them late at night? Possibly there was some kind of content-shuffle happaning at the time on the site and there was some temporary issue as a result. This happens all the time, esp. late at night when all sorts of automatic server-maintenance processes kick in.

There is also this: if you are having trouble getting the movies to play by right-clicking the links into a new browser, try copying the actual URL from the page and pasting it into a new browser's Address bar.

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Just now I got them to work, except nos. 3 and 6 are giving me just blank rectangular outlines. Maybe will try to view them tomorrow.

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