Obama meets with Kim Gandy and Ellen Malcolm

Story here. Excerpt:

'Barack Obama met privately Tuesday with a group of women leaders, seeking their endorsement and also raising a sore point -- the issue of gender bias in his Democratic primary fight with Hillary Rodham Clinton.
"He talked about his concerns about some of the sexism in the course of the campaign," said Ellen Malcolm, president of the political group EMILY's List and a key Clinton supporter. "But essentially the meeting was forward-looking."
Obama mentioned that "he knew there had been frustration with stuff directed at Sen. Clinton by the media," said Kim Gandy, president of the National Organization for Women.'

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when he talks about men and men's issues he talks bad about us

when his wife leaves him, runs him off and he isn't allowed to see his kids
because some idiot woman says so, maybe from prison on false accusations,
or because her boyfriend doesn't want you coming around or any of hundreds of
other scenarios where he gets royally screwed in the "best interests of the child"
via mom
then he can lecture about what should happen w/in families and i MIGHT listen

getting lucky finding a partner for life doesn't make you wise about anything
especially what is happening where men and children are concerned

then he trips over himself trying to meet w/ irrelevant (old) fanatical radical feminist groups

i always heard that a president was ideally a representative of ALL of us

hell, he has been brought up by a single mother to hate men

and he wears it on his sleeve for all to see

and constantly pulling the race card, when he said he was going to take the HIGH ROAD

i don't see it

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