UK: New Govt Report on Female Violence

Story here. Excerpt:

'Last year 87,200 women and girls were arrested for attacks – the equivalent of 240 every day. It is the first time in history that violence has been the most common crime among women and girls, taking over from theft.

The category includes every violent offence from street brawls and assault to grievous bodily harm and murder.
The Ministry of Justice report, released quietly on to the internet yesterday after MPs had left for the summer recess, also includes alarming figures on the scale of violence by children.
Robert Whelan of the Civitas think-tank blamed a breakdown in society's values.

He said: 'There are now so many children growing up in broken homes or with disruptive backgrounds that the self restraint taught to previous generations is no longer there. They think when they are angry they can just lash out.'

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Women become increasingly violent not only to others, but to themselves as well. Here is an article about 16-yo girl who killed herself in the middle of drunken row with her boyfriend.

Girl's suicide

Women lost themselves in today world, where their feminine qualities are no longer needed.

Single men is the only social group benefited from feminism.

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Caught on CCTV: The moment a drunken gang kicked man unconscious while a girl rifled through his pockets. Excerpt:

'The graphic images of the town centre attack show the group kicking and punching the 27-year-old repeatedly before Gemma Stafford, 18, is seen stealing cash and cigarettes.

CCTV captured the drunken gang laying into their victim. One of the assailants is filmed delivering a horrific running kick to his head as he lay motionless.
When police arrived Stafford claimed she was an innocent bystander who was concerned about the victim. Shaw said he could not remember what had happened because he had drank so much.'

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Coming home from work today on the bus, a young woman was sat opposite me drinking regularly out of a bottle of booze (some purple-colored fruity concoction. We got to the bus station. I got off to catch my connecting bus. She got off to urinate behind a very small wall, making no secret of what she was doing. This was actually opposite the so-called police station. The rest of us commuters just looked at each other with disbelief. She finished urinating and got back on the bus.

This was all in broad daylight at the busiest time of day for the bus station.


"They have the right to work wherever they want to - as long as they have dinner ready when you get home." (John Wayne)

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Are you in the UK or someplace else?

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The problem with this sort of news is that it does not really blunt feminism. In fact just the opposite. The perpetrators of this sort of behaviour are labelled 'ladettes'. So right at the start men are getting the blame. The inference is that women only behave badly because they are imitating men. So although women do not do well out of this sort of news men do worse. Again it is our fault.

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