MSN's Dunleavey pens "How to leave your wife" column
Activism has its effects; read it here. Looks like Ms. Dunleavey got the message. And while she isn't filled with contrition for her previous column, she at least responded to the input. It's a start. Excerpt:
'Most of the letters were from men. Many were morally outraged. And most said: Why don't you write about how to leave your wife without going broke?
State laws, your personal circumstances, the lawyers or mediators involved in the case and, perhaps especially, a judge may all determine how equitable the terms of a divorce are.
"If you choose to go before a judge, you are subject to the biases of that judge, and they cut both ways," Smith says.
Smith also took issue with the motive behind my initial article, which stemmed from my conviction that women need a bigger push to take the reins of their finances. "I see just as many men who don't want to deal with these issues," she says.'
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funny stuff
Was it just me, or did the author delegate 90% of the article to another author, and use the other 10% to nod towards the aforementioned 90%?
How to prepare for divorce: meditate over the future costs of your single life, look up how much you may have to pay in child support and join an emotional support group.
Is this a joke? the whole thing can almost be summed up as "suck it up". Where was our version of this pearl (from her previous article):
"You may even want to hire a professional to make a copy of the hard drive of your home computer and photograph certain personal belongings or valuables."
Women Drive
the path to marriage.
and they also drive the divorce process.
"I'm not happy" is the biggest reason. And the fault is blamed on the male.
If men could just understand that her happiness is not your responsibility, then they'd probably be more reluctant to consider marriage in the first place.
After all - once again, it's "her choice" and NOT his.
If she wants to go, she's going and she's likely going to take as much of your money as is possible.
oregon dad
Can someone please give me the e-mail address to respond to this?
The link goes dead for me.