Man Compelled to Pay Alimony to Ex-wife who is now also a Man

Yes, you read that right. Watch it here (embedded video). For those of you who are outraged enough as it is by the notion of "alimony", you will probably need to pick your jaws up off the floor after watching the clip. Not only is this man compelled to pay his ex-wife alimony *for life* or until she remarries, but she is no longer a she. She is now legally a he and he (the husband) still has to pay her (the ex-wife, now a him) alimony.

Why bother reading works of fiction when you have the news? Stuff like this makes video games and movies look tame in comparison.

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Does this man (once a female) sit while urinating? Maybe this former woman will join this website and discuss male bigotry.


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Spousal support is for both men and women (theoretically), so why should the sex change change anything about this?

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While going against feminists.

Do not shoot at the Transsexual ( such like me )

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What is the number of male -> female sex changes vs. female -> male ?

Honestly, I'd be throughly supprised if it wasn't over 10:1. Women aren't brought up to hate their gender.

In this man's case, he's stuck as the laws are currently implimented. There is no clause in the divorce decree that the ex-wife was required to remain female. On the other hand, alimony, and espically lifetime alimony, is unconstitutional. It is the very definition of indentured servitude that is outlawed by the 13th Amendment:

Amendment 13 - Slavery Abolished

1. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.

2. Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.

Unless divorce is now clasified as a crime, there is no lawful means to collect alimony from either party in a divorce.


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No disrespect intended. I simply found the concept of a man paying his former wife alimony (now a male) somewhat amusing. I'm not here to challenge anyones life style. Such arrogance is not the way i conduct my life.


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I'm not sure where anyone is going with this issue. If you want to say that the guy shouldn't pay the ex-wife on grounds that she is now a man, you come across as saying that nobody (male or female) should pay a man alimony. Either that or against transexuals. I'm not one, but I respect her right to do such a thing.

However, the question I'm asking myself is that if you can afford to change your sex then you probably don't need handouts from an ex. Get a job, bitch/asshole.

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