Australia: Sex Discrimination Commissioner wants flexible hours for dads
This story reported in Australia for gives me hope that the pendulum is finally beginning to swing back into our favour. Quote:
'MEN who want to spend more time with their children have found a new champion in an unlikely quarter - the Sex Discrimination Commissioner. Elizabeth Broderick said she wanted to strengthen the Sex Discrimination Act to penalise those employers who stick family-friendly fathers on the "daddy track" by refusing to promote them.
Ms Broderick said that, until the workplace culture changed to give men as well as women an equal right to time off work for family duties, men would be unable to do housework and childcare. She told The Daily Telegraph that men as well as women deserved to have the joy of being involved in their families.
"Men would say: 'My female colleague finds it easier to get flexible work arangements than I do because if I put my hand up it's like I'm not a serious player, you're not committed'," Ms Broderick said.'
Interesting opening line, interesting that the story admits it's 'unlikely' that men should expect assistance in sex matters from the Sex Discrimination Commissioner! But man, it's nice to be able to report good news for a change!
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Exactly how many men want
Exactly how many men want this? Isn't it a myth to believe that men all want to sit at home with the kids rather than be at work? Look at Sweden for example they brought in 6 months paternity leave for dads and what happened? Hardly any took the full amount of time just a week or two. So what did the government do? They made it compulsary for all men who become fathers to take the full six months. If men don't work flexible hours are they going to make it compulsary?
This proposal may help the few men that geniunely want this but it can't be expected that men are going to all start working flexible hours in droves and it can't be expected that men will do "equal" childcare and "equal" housework. This is just another step in trying to get men to adhere to the feminist fantasy of men adopting a female mind set.
What feminists want
This is a feminists' initiative who desperately want to make men as bad for employers and for economy in whole as women are.
Single men is the only social group benefited from feminism.
Women are bad for economy
An excellent illustration to this thesis is today article in NYT:
“When we saw women starting to drop out in the early part of this decade, we thought it was the motherhood movement, women staying home to raise their kids,” Heather Boushey said in an interview. “We did not think it was the economy, but when we looked into it, we realized that it was.”
In other words, brainless feminists achieved such "big successes" for women in workplace, that employers began to avoid them like a plague in order to remain profitable.
Not since the 1970s has that happened to women for so long a stretch — and because this is a new experience for them, “women may be even more reluctant than men to accept declining wages,” said Nancy Folbre, an economist at the University of Massachusetts.
Single men is the only social group benefited from feminism.
All men want it
They really do (ok, it's really like 70+%)
They just don't want to take the career hit. That's why those men don't take the full time off: it would damage their careers.
Don't trust snakes
Men are right to be suspicious of the motives of this woman. Here is the link to her "listening tour" of Oz, where it is clear which sex in particular she listened to:
And get this too, also from the same site:
"It is a guiding principle in Commissioner Broderick's work to recognise a diversity of experiences. This is being inclusive of Indigenous women, women with disabilities, culturally and linguistically diverse women, same sex attracted women and low paid women."
But then, just to show her sense of "balance", come the weasel words:
"The Commissioner is committed to including both men and women in her efforts to promote gender equality."
Yeah, right. She's just another lying feminist.
Civilisation: man's greatest, and most unappreciated, gift to women