Washington Times book review: Calling for truce in war of the sexes

Article here. Excerpt:

"Anyone paying the slightest attention to the hothouse that American culture has become knows that men and masculinity have been under siege for the last few decades. Guys have been described in the most unsavory terms - lazy, violent, deceitful, maniacally over-sexed, pathologically unfair, none too bright (when was the last time you saw a man in a television commercial who wasn't either a lout or a helpless doofus?) - and are deemed to be the proximate cause of all bad things in the world, especially responsible for every unhappiness suffered by any woman. If you don't think this is so, read just about any description of any university course in women's studies, a fairly new "discipline" whose main purpose for being is to drill into college students that men are awful, masculinity is passe at best, dangerous at worst, and that women are victims, saints, martyrs, and all around superior human beings."

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The writer, Kathleen Parker, should stop identifying herself with feminism; i.e. do not be a feminists of any "stripe". As Steve Moxon has said, there is no such thing as a feminist who is not radical. Feminism is an inherently radical viewpoint. (What Moxon calls "extreme feminists" can be pretty much equated with the more proper term which Nathanson and Young use, "ideological feminists").

The other thing Parker doesn't see is the deeper activity that is transpiring: This isn't just a "particularly nasty patch" of a "war of the sexes". It is a wholesale attempt by feminist ideologues to make men and maleness an isolated and unnecessary part of society.


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There comes a point in any conflict where one party goes too far and reconciliation is impossible. Feminists have already crossed that point. If anyone wants to call themselves "feminist", they have chosen to side with those that wage war upon masculinity.

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Calling a truce implies that both sides have been attacking the other. This is far from the truth. Feminists, legislators, media, judiciary and academes have been attacking men for forty years while **no one** has been attacking women. There is no truce to be called. In this case the feminist aggressor needs to be called out, handcuffed, and silenced by reason and compassion. Men should simply get their good name back.

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"In this case the feminist aggressor needs to be called out, handcuffed, and silenced by reason and compassion. Men should simply get their good name back."

Don't you think there needs to be more of a robust approach when dealing with feminists? This is a "war" after all and feminists aren't exactly pulling punches on their assault on men and boys are they? You cannot reason with people who are as pathologically compremised as feminist are, how many MRA's have made a feminist see reason? We'll be fighting this war for thousands of years if that is the approach. Compassion? Like the compassion they show us? No, there is really only one way to put a stop to this "war", and that require's us to do something many MRA's are too scared to even contemplate doing.

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Just let them be punished (properly) for any crimes they committed.

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"Calling a truce implies that both sides have been attacking the other". I will stick my neck out further and say that most men, or at least many, still don't know they are being attacked. May be they will never understand this because it is a truth that they just can not conceptualise.

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I agree - it's a red herring of sorts, to call it "making a truce". But if such a "truce" actually comes about, to the chagrin of feminists, at least it would go down in history as having been just another episode of the continuing "war of the sexes" - thus letting feminist ideologues off the hook, at least in the history books.


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