New York Times: A New Frontier for Title IX: Science

Article here. Excerpt:

'Until recently, the impact of Title IX, the law forbidding sexual discrimination in education, has been limited mostly to sports. But now, under pressure from Congress, some federal agencies have quietly picked a new target: science.

The members of Congress and women’s groups who have pushed for science to be “Title Nined” say there is evidence that women face discrimination in certain sciences, but the quality of that evidence is disputed. Critics say there is far better research showing that on average, women’s interest in some fields isn’t the same as men’s.
“Colleges already practice affirmative action for women in science, but now they’ll be so intimidated by the Title IX legal hammer that they may institute quota systems,” Dr. Sommers said. “In sports, they had to eliminate a lot of male teams to achieve Title IX parity. It’ll be devastating to American science if every male-dominated field has to be calibrated to women’s level of interest.”'

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there were so many qualified "social" engineers among lawmakers.

"we will just keep changing the rules to access to the sciences until
the numbers of graduates in those fields reflect our (feminist) goals".

saw the other day where 57% of government ee paychecks go to women.

and affirmative action still churning away w/ a vengence. same on campuses,
and every where else aa sticks it's ugly head.

guess i know the goal they are looking for there, 100%.

this sounds like a novel concept, designing your own downfall
among the scientific countries of the world. you won't be able to
buy much when somebody else has all the riches.

the $$ drain has already started.

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