Man returning to city for mother's funeral arrested on child support charges

Story here. Excerpt:

'A former Pardeeville man wanted for five years for failing to pay more than $12,000 in child support was picked up by authorities Thursday after he returned to Portage for his mother's funeral.

Todd W. Bubolz, 42, of Brownsville, Texas, remains in jail on $2,500 cash bail after he was arrested at a restaurant Thursday evening. He was in town for the funeral of his mother, Karen Bubolz of Portage, who died Tuesday.

Bubolz owes about $12,920 in payments. If found guilty of all charges, he faces up to 50 years in prison and $250,000 in fines. He is scheduled to appear in court Aug. 15 for a pretrial conference.'

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I don't see why this is posted here.

The guy failed to pay his child support, and then evaded the law.

It seems right that he was arrested,regardless of why he was in town.

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For me its the fact that he faces 50 years in prison and a half a million dollar fine. Now I realize he's not going to jail for a half a century, but the charges alone show how absurd child support laws truly are.


"Courage and consistency
bravery and valor
honor and pride
for what was it worth"

[Dimmu Borgir]

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If paying child (brat) support is so damned important where you can be put in prison for half a century if you don't pay it then why isn't there a system to monitor how the money is actually spent?

Let's be honest, if women were ordered to pay child support as much as men then there would be major reform in these draconian laws.

90 plus percent of the time it is the mother who receives the child support and under the present system she could spend it all on cigarettes, beer and lotto tickets and NOTHING could be done about it!

This is not law, this is tyranny and should be destroyed by any means necessary.

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I find it truly bizarre how a man could face up to 50 years in prison for evading child support, yet women who molest children never get more than six years, if they get anything. So a woman commits a crime far more damaging to a child than a man who doesn't pay the extortion known as child support and she's punished less severely than him. If this isn't proof of misandry enshrined in law, nothing is.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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Many neglectful mothers who get caught also get probation for leaving kids on hot cars to suffocate to death.

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$250,000 in possible fines? Who wrote this legislation?

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through the years judges and those w/in the local, state and fed gov't

have been using this CS scam as an excuse to gradually put more and more and more

interest, fees, lawyer's fees, court costs on every Man's back. and pretty much

just one man at a time. a gradual pile-on that just makes feminists tingle

w/ pride & joy. women have only in recent years been included in CS payments, and then only

in "token" numbers, and amounts. false accusations against the children's father and he

won't be getting custody or CS. this is a tactic totally designed to strip as many men as

possible from as much $$ as possible, and let's charge them w/ a felony too.

that way those who scream will just be convicts making noise. and we can take

their kids away too (100% physical custody automatically to women) and call those

who refuse to or can't pay up bad names in the press. the women and half-men will totally

back it up then. and then we can call the whole thing "justice". it is evil genius.

imho if MRA's had not stepped up when they did this man in the article would be a typical

amerikan male. serious jail time and 13x what he owed in CS now owed to the state?

and grabbing him at his mother's funeral shows just how "classy" and arrogant these turds

really are. they have been doing this to Men for decades and what makes anyone believe it

is going to change now?

there could be an alien vessel 50 miles wide hovering over washington threatening to blow

the world to pieces if the government doesn't start treating Fathers fairly under the law;

and, these clowns would no doubt be trying to attack it to save the women from that

terrible injustice.

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