McCain also does the appeal-to-women thing

Gender-baiting and pandering know no political parties, it seems, when it comes to the all-important, all-powerful voting bloc known as "WOMEN". Wonder when we'll see a national political candidate or office-holder speak about the importance of addressing men's issues? Story here. Excerpt:

'"Yesterday in New York, Senator Obama went on at great length about how much he cares about women's issues," McCain said at a town-hall forum in Hudson, where women vastly outnumbered men. "I believe him. But when you cut through all the smooth rhetoric, Senator Obama's policies would make it harder for women to start new businesses, harder for women to create or find new jobs, harder for women to manage the family budget, and harder for women and their families to meet their tax burden."
McCain told the audience that he has a record of supporting equal pay for women. He later told reporters he opposed the Senate bill because he didn't want "open-ended litigation by trial lawyers." He said he has demonstrated his support for equal pay "in a whole broad variety of ways, from support of women in the military to all kinds of laws that provide employment" to women.

Republicans believe McCain has a chance to pick up Democratic and independent women who are angry or disappointed that Hillary Rodham Clinton lost her bid to become the first female president. But the Hudson event seemed geared to hard-core conservatives.'

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It is pretty amazing that a man who publicly called his millionaire aging barbie doll wife the dreaded "c-word" can still get a standing ovation from a crowd of women for announcing that he is an anti-Marxist.

Maybe he was referring to Groucho? (Naw. Groucho was a sexist comic genius who loved women and loved to expose their foolishness.)

Is America a great c*ntry, or what? It's just full of stupid surprises.

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In 2000, the democratic candidate was good one. Sadly, despite the fact that Al Gore won the election, Bush magically got in thanks to the handywork of his cousin Bob Ellis, and his daddy's friends in the supreme court.

In 2004, the democratic nominee didn't offer much hope of getting Bush out of office, as he simply lacked the charisma and passion for politics which is needed to become president. He didn't seem like the type of guy who could handle being president. Thus, there really wasn't much of a choice on the ballot in 2004.

In 2008, it's the same. You have these two half-men pandering to women left, right, and center, sometimes putting males down in the process, completely forgetting that half of the voters are male.

I wonder if there's hope for seeing a ballot that doesn't completely suck sometime in the future. I'm not much of a fan of most politicians b/c they never care about what's truly important. They'd rather put down men than reunite the father that's been forced out of his children's lives with his children. Sad sad sad.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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