CBS: "Horrors" Found In Tween, Teen Dating

Story here. Just look at the picture in the story and you'll see why I submitted this. While boys are never blamed in the article, its obvious they're being targeted as the problem. I wonder which feminist organizations conducted this report? Excerpt:

"Tweens and teens in dating relationships are experiencing significant levels of various forms of abuse, many don't know the warning signs of an abusive relationship, and many parents don't know what's going on in those relationships, a new survey says."

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11 and 12 year olds and teens take a survey in school and we view it as scientific? I am 52 and I can't figure out what constitutes abuse these days.

My nieces felt their father was abusive when he wouldn't let them get a cat.

What I took away from this article is either there is an epidemic of parents coming home to bruised, pregnant or dead daughters. Or! children taking surveys in school are having fun and writing what will shock all those silly grown-ups.

Does that mean that there are no bad and abusive relationships, of course not, but as some of the people writing in note, maybe it was just good copy.

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To be honest, and while this is not scientific in anyway, but more from experience. Girls 11-12 are the entirety of that one-third. Many of the men they are dating are significantly older(16+) as well.

I had many a woman tell me that when they were 11 or 12 she was using older men for drugs and they in turn would use her for sex or whatnot. That is more along the lines of what constitutes a TWEEN relationship.

One only need look at the Rave, Punk, and EMO scenes that make up a majority of youth culture to see that this is the case.

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