New Zealand: Police warning to women over false rape claims

Article here. Excerpt:

'The warning comes as a woman appears in Hamilton District Court this morning charged with attempting to pervert the course of justice, arising from rape complaint made last November.

Detective Senior Sergeant Chris Page said the Hamilton woman claimed she was raped after an offender forced his way into her flat but this was proved to be untrue.

"A large amount of police and ESR resources and time was put into the investigation," he said.

"The media coverage of this incident was significant as police dealt with a number of rape allegations at that time. This case has proven to be the third false complaint from that week.'


Ed. note: Suggest using Internet Explorer to view the story. Using Firefox, I had a problem getting the fold-out ad to close so I could actually read it.

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more and more women seem to be comitting false rape claims
and why? because feminist insist on makeing just that much more leniency towards women in the court room and because of that they are less afraid of the consequences and dont show littlest bit of remorse. As a result inocent men go to prison for decades, all for a crime they did'nt even commit in society woman are considered to be angels and men apparently are the beasts.

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The punishments doled out in most Western nations these days for sexual offenses committed by men (women of course are excluded from punishment) exceed the punishments given to men who commit murder.

Murderers get paroled sooner and do not have to report for life to the police or have their likeness and whereabouts posted at schools, churches, playgrounds and on the internet.

I am 100% opposed to sex offender registries because they are 100% useless in PREVENTING crime. No amount of supervision is going to deter a person who has made up their mind to commit an act and the people who are actually that dangerous should not have been let out in the first place, and the other 95% of convicted sex offenders NEVER re-offend so really whats the point in harassing them? Registries are also pretty much a useless waste of time as an investigatory tool as contrary to popular myth sex offender actually have the lowest rates of re-offense of any class of offender so chances are that when a rape call comes in it was not some one on the registry who committed the act. Of the 5% or less of registrants that are a real and continuing danger to the public, having the other 95% of offenders placed on the same list with them dilutes the ability of authorities to monitor them to the point where they may as well be free of such monitoring anyway. So rounding up all the registrant in the area every time a rape report is filed turns out to be a complete waste of time and money. But it sure feels good to make policies based on fear and not reasoning so who gives a crap about allocating time and resources in ways that are actually effective. Far easier to just keep on punishing people who've already paid their debt.

Odd that men convicted of sexual offenses face punishments unheard of since Nazi Germany, yet women who FALSELY condemn men to such fates through lies face zero consequences.

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From the article:

"Hamilton police warn that anyone who makes a false rape complaint, which wastes valuable time and resources, runs the risk of prosecution."

Only a *risk*? Tisk, tisk, tisk!

How about "anyone who makes a false rape complaint *will face severe penalties*"? But noo, it's our duty to shelter the false accusers by only giving them a slap on the risk, I mean wrist. (/Sarcasm)




"Stand up for what is right, especially if you stand alone."

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so many women are lying and making false claims that cops

can't do their job and chase bad MEN. let's be clear.

women are causing other women to possibably get raped and murdered.

nobody else seems to matter.

guess what goes around really does come around, huh? boo hoo.

and costing lawyers lotsa new business. again, me crying.

yeah, i feel sooo sorry for all those privileged people.

and this is their next to maybe someday soon if they continue

in this exact manner next to maybe last (or close) chance to stop this

gurlie behaviour, wink wink.

there MUST be something in the water.

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...and murdered? The only people false rape claims hurt is MEN. I mean, police, lawyers, court officials, and every kind of mental health specialist on Earth still clamor over eachother to help real rape victims so false allegations aren't really hurting real rape victims much. People still tend to believe any female that cries rape no matter how absurd the story so they still have their supreme shield of victim power.

And since I tend to think that men aren't the monsters we are made out to be I am one of those people who do not believe there is an evil man in every alley, behind every bush and in every school, and night club snatching women and girl by the truckload and raping and torturing them. I tend to think for the most part men are a decent lot who are just the victims of a really bad reputation these days.

So I don't think women making false claims is in any way hurting women really.

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they are too busy to protect and serve honest folks.

since it is fairly assumed that the number of police is diectly proportional

to the number of crimes like rape and murders, then it can be deduced that

removing police from active duty directly infleunces crime, like

rape & murder.

the more removed, the more crime.

take them all away = anarchy.

i believe that.

anarchy (Webtser): a state of lawlessness or political disorder due to the absence of government authority.

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With daveinga. Of course false rape allegations hurt men, but they also hurt the real victims of rape. It makes it so that the cases of the real victims are put on the backburner only to cater to the whims of a lying, spoiled, infantile, bitch. That being said, the penalties for false rape allegations should be as severe as those for rape, as if you make a false rape allegation, you distract the police from catching the real criminals, and might as well be a rapist yourself. If feminists had any logic they would see that allowing lying scum to get away with it only hurts women in the long run. It's sad that it always has to come down to how things hurt women before anything's done (cause obviously no one gives a damn about innocent men), but it's true. I hope someday the pathetic justice systems will see the error of their ways.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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