No jail for jealous wife who stabs husband

Story here. Except:

"When Susannah Pearson heard her husband of 27 years had been having an affair, she was livid and confronted him as he lay in bed.

She then went to the kitchen, returning with an eight-inch carving knife, and stabbed Tory councillor Oliver Pearson, 53, three times in the back as he desperately hid behind a duvet.

He was taken to hospital for emergency surgery while his wife, 59, was arrested. But yesterday she escaped jail after her husband wrote to the court pleading for leniency.

Thanks to the letter, Pearson was given a ten-month sentence, suspended for a year, after admitting unlawful wounding.

Mr Pearson also wrote that he hopes the couple, who have four children, can rebuild their marriage."

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whacked off his package. he doesn't need it.

let the crazy bich back out and give her full access to the children. no problem.

what part of "women worship" do people not understand?

here let me go ahead and say it so we can just cut to the chase.

sentence would have been the same for a man.
people are treated equally under the law.
there is no special treatment for women.
bla bla bla bla bla

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As soon as I started reading I thought this was going to be a Lorena Bobbitt type of deal. Let's face it, women these days are being fed the idea that if a man cheats on them they can do whatever they want to get revenge, even a crime that's infinitely worse than the one the man is guilty of. Why he would ask for leniency is beyond me. If a bitch stabbed me, I'd want to see her rot in jail.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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