Denver Center for the Performing Arts excludes men from play

The Denver Center for the Performing Arts has a play for women in which men are excluded. I found this by looking at the Sunday Denver Post while at work, find here.

The letter writer has a point, though I feel like barfing a little at the other plays he's seen (Vagina Monologues?).

The Denver Center for the Performing Arts is an organization, but it uses city government facilities. Isn't that still illegal?

The website for the Denver Center for the Performing Arts is here.

The discriminatory play is here. Quote:

"Girls Only - The Secret Comedy of Women

September 18, 2008 -- December 21, 2008
Garner Galleria Theatre

Sorry, fellas, this one's just for the ladies."

Granted, I wouldn't want to see the play anyway, and if they show misandric crap like "The Vagina Monologues" and the others mentioned, I especially wouldn't want to go.

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I know where it started too. Once they allowed single-sex, women only gyms, the misandry started to spread to other media. It's funny too because most people still don't see it for what it is; discrimination. Maybe someday they will.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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