Sins of the Mother

Here is another National Post article defending men. This time, Barbara Kay writes about how society is much tougher on violent male criminals than on violent female criminals. Excerpt:

'We have heard the story before. The names change, the province changes, the particulars of the custody case change, the age of the dead child changes, but some things stay the same when a mother kills her own children: Any objective observer can see the tragedy coming a mile away, the children are not removed from her toxic embrace before it happens, and the mother is not only insufficiently punished (if at all) for the crime, but receives public sympathy on the assumption she was driven to it by forces beyond her control.'

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When fathers kill, society holds them completely responsible. In a way, this is a backhanded compliment. They are assumed to be full-fledged moral agents acting from a willed choice

This is something that has driven me nuts for a long time. There was a time when feminist groups fought for women to be full fledged members of society. Whatever happened to that?

A few years ago, I would have been shocked to see an article like this. This week, I have seen (at least) two. A couple more articles like this in the main stream media and I may start feeling hope.

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The Toronto Sun article (a few entries down from this one) says the same thing. Two of Canada's largest daily papers saying the same thing in defence of men. Actually, these two papers have been defending men for a long time now.

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There was a time when feminist groups fought for women to be full fledged members of society. Whatever happened to that?

The feminists want all the benefits of full fledged membership in society but not any of the responsibilities that come with it. As soon as anything negative comes along, they run and hide behind the very stereotypes they are trying to remove.

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