RADAR ALERT: Tell Congress VAWA Is Harmful To Women

After the Nov 7 elections VAWA funding reauthorization will be up for a vote in the Senate. The President's budget has allocated $350 million to fund VAWA. This is in line with other social spending priorities. Unfortunately the House has passed a 25% increase in VAWA funding.

Last Friday we went to all the Senate offices and asked for two things.

  • Support the President's VAWA budget.
  • Hold hearings on how VAWA actually harms woman.

We gave each Senate office a copy of our flyer Six Reasons why VAWA is Bad for Women (.pdf file). The message resonated with the Senate staffers we spoke to.

We need your help in getting the message out. Here is what to do:

  1. Review the flyer at http://www.mediaRadar.org/docs/VAWAIsBadForWomen-flyer.pdf
  2. Call both your Senators at 202-225-3121. This is the Congressional switch board number; they will connect you with your Senator's office.
  3. When you reach the office tell them you are a constituent and ask to speak with the legislative aide who deals with family policy or who covers VAWA. If they are not available you can leave your message with the person who answers the phone.
  4. Tell each Senator's office:
    • VAWA is harmful to women. Mention examples from the flyer.
    • VAWA funding should be set at the level in the President's budget, not the inflated House figures.
    • Request that the Senate hold hearings into VAWA's failure to help seriously abused women, while simultaneously encouraging violations of the civil rights of innocent people.

Date of RADAR Release: October 9, 2006

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R.A.D.A.R. – Respecting Accuracy in Domestic Abuse Reporting – is a non-profit, non-partisan organization of men and women working to assure that the problem of domestic violence is treated in a balanced and effective manner. http://www.mediaradar.org/.

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I thought this was a men's site. I'm not going to start arguing for women,if I was I would be a male feminist. Wouldn't it be better if VAWA was passed and it fucked women over in the long run. If you're smart and don't cohabitate with a woman you can't get hit with a VAWA violation. When women do get fucked over by this they will be the ones hurting,not us. If you spare women this fate they will call you a male chauvinist pig and if you don't they will say you hate women. How do you win in a situation such as this? You don't so don't try. You are putting yourself in a lose-lose position with no positive outcome. If you follow my advice this legislation will end up hurting women more than it does men and maybe women will learn from it or maybe they won't. Either way it's not our problem.

Radical feminism cures chivalry

Some people tell me I need help
Some people can fuck off and go to hell

Debate and defeat

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Even as I posted this piece from RADAR, I thought, WTF?? Then I read the flyer mentioned in their release as well as thought about it some. My interpretation of this latest from RADAR is that it represents a practical approach to getting the attention of lawmakers in ways typical and if it results in VAWA getting undermined, good. Nonetheless I too am bothered with the approach being taken. Is it just being practical or is it throwing in the towel in terms of getting lawmakers to start taking men's interests seriously? The world we live in, as I am sure anyone reading this knows, is far from perfect. What the "right" thing to do when it comes to trying to get results in the short vs. long term has always been a topic of great debate in marginalized causes. I think what we see here from RADAR is an attempt to get results in the short term (as the effects of VAWA are felt in the here and now) on the one hand while trying to get long term results in the future, eventually.

But I see your consternation and agree it is unsettling for an MRA. You might want to send them an email asking why they are taking this approach, it's up to you.

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Belive it or not, the two groups do have different goals and scopes. While we all know what Mensactivism stands for, RADAR is a group dedicated to reducing/ending the problem of domestic violence. Now, it is true that our goals often overlap, as most DV is seen as a "man bad, woman victim" by the public and the goverment, but in this particular article, RADAR is attempting to get the message out to lawmakers that the laws they have created to help their victim class are actually harming them.

Now, is this approperate for this site? Honestly, I think so. DV is an issue that does affect both genders. As it currently stands, men are double losers in the world of DV: falsely arrested on one hand, afraid to seek help (that likely doesn't even exist in their area) on the other. Anything that changes the status quo for domestic violence, that helps the problem get resolved, helps both genders, and therefore helps men as well.

Domestic violence is a problem that is perpertrated by, affects, and is fueled by both genders. The problem requires looking at both parties in the relationship to get it resolved. Quite frankly, men have a lot more to gain from getting the problem of DV solved. That's why I think this article is a good thing.


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RADAR seems to believe that the so-called "gender-inclusive" language in VAWA 2005 means that men will receive services from the rad-fem Domestic Violence Industry.

If you examine the bill's language closely, it does not MANDATE that a single dollar be spent on male victims of DV.

It merely states (from memory paraphrased) that "no language in this bill shall be construed to prevent services for men."

That's like saying --- "Nothing we legislate shall be construed to require that the moon is made of cream cheese."

There is no BINDING gender-neutral language in VAWA 2005.

But the wiffle-waffle paragraph allows all the male pols who voted for VAWA (100%) to state with faux-credibility that they "voted for a gender-inclusive" VAWA.

I believe the better strategy would have been to fight for a re-naming of VAWA as the "Violence Against Domestic Partners" law -- then go after real gender-neutral provisions with actual teeth.

RADAR has essentially conceded that they lost the gender-neutral fight.

Now, they just want fewer dollars dedicated to the predatory DV regime ... a mere $4 billion over five years?

Has anybody at RADAR been advising North Korea lately?

I see a lot of similarities in the tactics.

Lose, lose, lose .... protest ... fly a mock balloon ... lose... lose ....

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LAPD has been trained under a STOP grant funded by VAWA. I recall seeing a figure of $750,000.00 of tax-payers hard earned money to fund that hate agenda targeting all men. Yes, I said, "all men." I heard a L.A. City Attorney say just this Summer that 99.9% of all domestic violence is committed by men.

Every LAPD squad car in Los Angeles has a bumper sticker from the Family Violence Prevention Fund (FVPF) that says, "There's No Excuse For Domestic Violence." Considering that LAPD exercises a mandatory arrest policy, that makes every cop who gets into one of these squad cars a provable liar. LAPD has a policy of arresting the "primary aggressor" in d.v. cases so if little Suzie Homemaker punches her fist into her husbands face and causes her knuckles to bleed, he gets arrested. Little Suzie Homemaker can just claim they were arguing, and he scared her, to "frost the icing" on the primary aggressor scam.

He's bigger and that along with Little Suzie Homemaker's lie to cover her rage, makes him the greater threat (according to LAPD). NO EXCUSE FOR DOMESTIC VIOLENCE??? Yeah, so what do we call excusing Little Suzie Homemaker's violence??? The foul stench of hypocrisy permeates the entire LAPD.

The Los Angeles Police Department under the mandate of VAWA excuses violent women, thereby further battering many, many innocent men. DOMESTIC ABUSE LAW EXCUSES VIOLENT WOMEN



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This won't help men as that is what the entire DV industry is about misandry. If we help the oppressors will they remember what we did for them and oppress us less or better yet,stop oppressing us all together? No,they will correct the problem,take the credit and oppress us even more. So helping women is hurting men and if you're in favor of the latter then you're in the wrong place.

The only solution is to not cohabitate with a woman and when this does blow up in their faces,sit back and laugh as that is what I plan to do.

Radical feminism cures chivalry

Some people tell me I need help
Some people can fuck off and go to hell

Debate and defeat

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The cops who go out on DV calls know the true facts about domestic violence. They know that women abuse just as much as men and more so when abused children are factored into the equation.

So, why do the cops, especially the male ones, keep this farce going? Do they not get dinged with these same crap law also?

Some people will do anything to keep a job I guess! There is nothing lower than a sellout.

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Personally, I would rank front line police officers as the absolute most ignorant group when it comes to crime.

What!? How the hell could I say that when they are the one's out there risking their lives daily to protect us?

Well, cops see the world through extremely cloured lenses. They are trained how to do their jobs by "professionals" who teach them what to look for. In otherwords, because they are tought that women are the victims, they see the men as the perps. It's kind of a self fulfilling prophecy. They actually believe all the bullshit they are tought because they see it on a daily basis in practice. The problem is, we only see what we are looking for. They are then reinforced by the absolute dominance of misandry in our courts. Prosecuters are reluctant to drop charges or cut a good deal with men where the words 'violence' and 'woman' are somehow involved int the case, they cover up exhonorating evidence, and judges are no better. Jurys are made up of people who have watched to much CSI and Criminal Minds who are filled with rediculous notions about crime.

And yes, cops are just people doing a job. Some of them will bend the rules to get a promotion or accolade.

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What other excuse can LAPD give? They are just being "good German soldiers," following orders, when enforcing VAWA, just like the Nazis rationalized their inhuman behavior in WWII.

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# If the police spent as much time looking for real evidence of domestic violence as they do looking for rationalizations to fit their gender profiling prejudices,

# If the police spent as much time looking for real evidence of domestic violence as they do fabricating evidence to fit their profiling prejudices,

# If the police spent as much time looking for real evidence of domestic violence as they do destroying (or ignoring) real evidence to fit their profiling prejudice,

then there wouldn't be nearly so many men being railroaded in our gender bigoted courts and having their lives destroyed by false accusations of domestic violence.

We have the domestic violence industry’s gender bigoted, domestic violence trainers largely to thank for the hate war on men being waged by our gender feminist trained police and judges. America’s police and judges are trained by gender feminist bigots to be man-hating bigots - and they are. Our American system of law, that clearly has such a tyranny in place in one area under the Violence Against Women Act, has no integrity in any area.

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