All-female Buffalo law firm accentuates the feminine in its ads

Story here. Excerpt:

'An all-female Buffalo law firm is getting a mix of cheers and boos for a series of ads that tout its woman power. “Ever Argue with a Woman?” reads the headline of one of the ads for Schroder Joseph & Associates LLP.
A Buffalo attorney who served on the New York State Bar Association’s task force to establish lawyer ad guidelines that went into effect in 2007 said he’s “a little uncomfortable” with the tone of the Schroder Joseph ads.
A State Bar spokesman said the Buffalo law firm’s ad have not resulted in any formal action against the firm tied to its year-old advertising guidelines. Those rules were put in place to govern misleading and inappropriate attorney ads, with particular focus on embellished testimonials, silly nicknames and inaccurate fee information.

Schroder Joseph employs four female attorneys and an all-woman support staff at its Ellicott Street offices.'

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I knew there was a good reason that I left Buffalo when I was 16! The sad part is that yes, we all have argued with women, haven't we? I've been in many debates with women over the years. I spent over two hours in an attorneys' office while she tried to convince me that I should just go along with what the child support system wanted. I finally just looked at her and asked her if she was capable of looking after what I wanted, a reduction in arrears, and lower support. She actually surprised herself! But, she spent that two hours on her time, not mine. She told me that she was actually part of bringing the laws into effect that I was fighting against. This was in CA, so I guess it doesn't matter where you are!

David A. DeLong

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Hiring only females is against the law!

oregon dad

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Good old girl's network?

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If you take a couple minutes to review this law firm's web site at - -

you will discover that they specialize in serving corporations that are seeking to roll back and contest worker's legal rights.

Basically their business is to represent corporations in a broad range of anti-labor areas.

So much for progressive feminists...

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These kind of feminists never wanted equality; they just want to sit on the alleged throne. Power turns them on, not off. This all-female organization is like one giant feminist orgasm. It's a damn shame that liberalism is tied up with these kinds of anti-progressive feminists. A real progressive would want things equal.

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