More Empty Preaching & Daddy Blaming?

Story here. Excerpt:

'Talking tough on Father’s Day, Sen. Barack Obama challenged African-American men on Sunday to play more of a role in raising their children and warned them that “responsibility doesn’t just end at conception.”

“Too many fathers are MIA. Too many fathers are AWOL,” he told a huge African-American congregation in Chicago. “There’s a hole in your heart if you don’t have a male figure in the home that can guide you and lead you and set a good example for you.”'

There is not a single sentence in the article about women's responsibilities, men's total lack of rights in reproductive choices, the destruction of inner city jobs or how the social welfare system is rigged to reward multiple unwed births and exiling fathers from their children's lives and homes.

Oh, I forgot. Obama has never actually lived in "the 'hood".

Never mind.

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Family law reform and especially men's rights ARE NOT planks in the Obama campaign platform.

He is just another social Marxist with a rad-fem agenda bent.

No surprise. Business as usual. He is not the second coming so put your sandals back on.

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Maybe I'll send the Senator a civil email about his statements. It'll have little effect, but it's the least I can do.

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With(comic)respect, Obama is far from a Marxist. He is in fact a centrist faux-Democrat.

A real Marxist would be shot before he could win a presidential primary.

So, can we stop with silly nouns?

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I was on the fence, but this just cost Obama my vote.

Not that McCain will be much better, with his 19th century ideas of chivalry...

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I am so pissed the Obama decided to go with the feminist in this way. I had contributed to his campaign but after reading his comments and intent to support higher support payments, I wrote to his website and told them that they just lost my vote and would get no more contributions from me. I am asking all of you to send an email to Obama and boycott his campaign unless he supports mans issues.

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I'm with fibtastic: I'm not one to generally vote for any major party candidate, but I *am* in a swing state, and had tentatively considered Obama as generally being preferable to the war-monger McCain.

But after that screed of Obama's there's no way I'd ever vote for him. Talk about ignorance on a topic of vital import, and just sucking up to women.

Calling men AWOL, as he did, when many have been ejected from their families by women is nothing but a really cheap shot and low blow. It's not about men being irresponsible, but about being powerless -- which one had thought was the whole idea behind the feminist "reforms" of the last couple of decades in the first place, cause we all know how controlling and abusing men are. And so now they're complaining of the results which they instigated? Give me a break.

And talking about guys who aren't sufficiently pussy whipped and in the harness and serving women's interests as "boys, not REAL men" is about as bad in the knuckle-dragger department as it gets. I'm sure he'll get a nice reflexive pat on the head from all the fem-bots. I can just see the campaign slogan: "I Blame Men - Women Vote For ME!"

The bad thing is that since women got the vote, the taller candidate has won every presidential election (2000 & 2004 being exceptions - but those elections were highly suspect or downright stolen), so we'd better get used to the idea that in all likelihood Obama will win and we'll have to live with his sort of thinking for some time to come.

Time to get out there and engage the populace/electorate with our point of view, even if there's no one to vote for yet again this time around.

* MB

*** Not All Men Are Fools - Some Are Bachelors ***

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Clinton was the 'women's candidate'. She lost. She tried to rally to the men too late.
Obama sees that Clinton had lots of women. He need them to win.

Thus the pandering.
This happens all the time. How do you think VAWA gets passed?
It gets passed to capture the 52% female population - even tho VAWA is blatantly sexist legislation.

Obama is playing to win, and that is why he is pandering.
It is smart. But it is hideous.

oregon dad

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at work said he was all about change.
sounds like same old same old to me

da not around? single mom?
too young to have much wisdom,
unless God gave him an abundance for asking in humility, like Solomon.

yeah. right.

too inexperienced to even have a clue about how to make change happen.
scolding black men for a problem partially (at least) caused
by a system that just loves putting all men behind bars.
and gives black women handouts and preferences galore. just have a baby.
but let's blame black men, and keep those checks coming obuba.

if he is a man we should be able to get him to listen.
how can he not hear about the wreck called justice?
the perversion of equality under the law?
fairness looooong gone. truth only something in legend.

wait a minute. he's a lawyer. he already knows that the lagal
system is broken. another lawyer amongst tens of thousands
going to bring in some change. yeah, again.

and all he seems to hear is the whinning of the
richest$$$ most powerful pampered women on earth... ever... perpetual victims.

maybe if and when he matures he will come around and hear the truth.
listen to what MRA's really are saying.
men systematically run off from what might have been a family.
men who have hurt no one not allowed to see their children.
fraud - men forced to support other men's children.
men falsely and systematically accused of terrible crimes, and no justice.
he needs to listen to what we have to say, and truthfully and openly discuss it.

i heard he was all ears.

sorry guys, i can't help it. came outta nowhere.

if he does get elected he better get use to jokes. i see a ton of
joke material already. funky church / those flappers /
funny sounding name / just for starters.

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"I was on the fence, but this just cost Obama my vote.
Not that McCain will be much better, with his 19th century ideas of chivalry..."

Considering how McCain is courting former Hillary supporters, it appears both Presidential candidates are pretty worthless regarding men's/Fathers' issues. When McCain publicly proclaims his bias in favor of gender feminist issues (against men/against Dads) his anti-male agenda will be apparent to most, IMO. We already know McCain voted for VAWA - twice. MRA's and FRA's are apparently perceived by both Presidential candidates as a constituency not worth bothering with - just like 4 years ago - just like 8 years ago - etc.

When Politicians Fight For Rights...

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