It's Father's Day! Can you tell by reading the paper?

Take a look at the various MSM web sites-- could you tell it was Father's Day by reading them? Maybe there is a small article here and there, but headlines, the kind Mother's Day garners-- where are they? Not there at all. No coverage in many papers. Zip, zilch, nada. Some examples:

NY Times
LA Times
Detroit Times
SF Gate

Happy Father's Day!

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I checked out the front page of all the listed web sites. There were two Father's Day themes.

Every web site except SFGate has one or more stories with Obama bashing fathers (black fathers in particular). How noble of him. Obama knows that the purpose of Fathers Day is to bash men.

SFGate, bless their hearts, has a father positive story - assuming you're a fish. It has an article about how the Bay Pipefish make exemplary father figures. Why? Because they give birth. They're like women so they must be good fathers.

How can any decent person, man or woman, have any respect for either politicians or the news media?

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The jerks in the MSM came up with this crap:

Time: Dads try to avoid being 'bumbling fools',9171,1812052,00.html?cnn=yes

Excerpt: "The societal view of dads is that we're bumbling fools," Steve Dubin tells his all-male audience.

Ticker: Obama slams absent black fathers

Excerpt: CHICAGO (AP) – Barack Obama celebrated Father's Day by calling on black fathers, who he said are "missing from too many lives and too many homes," to become active in raising their children.

"They have abandoned their responsibilities, acting like boys instead of men. And the foundations of our families are weaker because of it," the Democratic presidential candidate said Sunday at a largely black church in his hometown.

Gee, I wonder why I don't want to be bothered with getting married and being a father.

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I read one of the gems you cited on Yahoo! news today at:

Obama tells black fathers to engage their children

"Any fool can have a child. That doesn't make you a father," he said. "It's the courage to raise a child that makes you a father."

Again, I don't know who or what I'll vote for in November. Obviously, he's trying to court Hillary's angry women supporters. I knew of Obama's support for the International VAWA but this bashing of men is more disappointing.

Would Obama say this about women on Mother's Day or any other day? Would he scold women for abusing their children, considering that women do this a lot more than men? It seems again that "acting like men" means doing whatever a woman wants do you can see your children, whether it's possible or not.

Obama seems to be simply another shrewd politician. I wonder what comments about fathers McCain made on Father's Day.

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