S.I. Article: "Gender inequality: Title IX was necessary then, but now it's just unfair"

Read it here. Excerpt:

"That wasn't the idea behind Title IX. It was designed to create, not eliminate, opportunity. But since its enactment more than 170 men's wrestling teams have disappeared. Eighty men's tennis teams, 45 track teams and 106 men's gymnastics teams have been axed."

"Yet there are some 580 more women's teams at NCAA schools today than men's teams, a disparity that is likely to continue to grow. Faced with budgetary cuts last summer, the board at Rutgers University elected to eliminate six teams, five of which were men's teams: lightweight and heavyweight crew, tennis, swimming and diving, and fencing."

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Although he seems to be joking when he says it, it is an excellent point when the author says (paraphrasing), "what if we did the same thing with black and white athletes". This is not a perfect analogy since blacks and whites do not (theoretically) compete on separate teams at a given university (as do men and women). But it is a workable analogy within the context of discrimination against individual athletes - which is supposedly what Title IX is addressing. So that if 14% of a school's students were black, only 14% of athletes could be black? Imagine the hell that would be raised..expecially due to elimination of basketball teams (that is not intended in any way to be a racist remark).

I have a special sympathy for the wrestlers. Wrestling is just about the most demanding sport there is, in terms of the total conditioning required (that 8 minutes on the mat feels like a 10-mile sprint..trust me, I've been there); so that young wrestlers start in boy's clubs at 9 years old or so, dedicate their being to wrestling..wrestle all throughout grades school..later working out up to 6-8 hrs/day. And then if they cannot get into a college that has a male wrestling team (which I assume is few in number by now)? Shit out of luck.
I think it is not too extreme to say, that Title IX may end up hurting our preparedness for the Olympics (the men that is).

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Title IX uses a simple math formula to enforce "equality" in mens and womens collegiate sports participation.

A university can be sued if more dollars are going to men's sports than women's.

A couple obvious problems have been discussed to death with no resolution.

One -- female college/university students (58% of total enrollment) do not express all that much interest in being an athlete.

Two - only men's collegiate sports make money.

So Title IX is a kind of extortion racket that legally requires the subsidizing of lame female sports teams.

The only actual "sport" that women in college are interested in is the chase after a pre-med, pre-law, or pre-finance major as a prospective husband.

Title IX is also, obviously, about destroying masculine culture in higher education.

The feminists already totally control K-12 education.

They nearly totally control the surviving male's next 4 - 10 years of "education" as well.

Title IX will be repealed just after VAWA is revoked.

Not in this life....

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