Wife jailed for hiring hitman to kill husband

Story here. Excerpt:

'A woman who took out a home-improvement loan to pay for a hitman to kill her husband was jailed for seven years today — but has already been forgiven by her partner.

Zoe Kenealy, 44, asked her lover, who lived next door, to hire the killer so that she could claim the life insurance money. But today her husband, Timothy, said he forgave her and would resume their relationship when she is released.'

And get this - she is a 'care worker'.

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She had a lover who lived next door - Reason #1 for not taking her back

She asked this lover to hire a killer to kill her husband - BIG Reason #2

She did it for life insurance (not even a 'crime of passion' for God's sake!) - Reason #3

And this pitiful excuse for a 'man' has forgiven her and wants her back.

One word for losers like this: twat.

"They have the right to work wherever they want to - as long as they have dinner ready when you get home." (John Wayne)

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Timothy is a jerk!

What he does impacts the next man whose wifey decides she can terminate him with extreme prejudice for profit and if caught, receive a token penalty.

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Feminists love to point out that abused women return to their abusers, and make excuses for them, because they have learned to suppress their own egos and judgment. They claim that this is a problem unique to female victims of male aggression.

Well it looks like the shoe is on the other foot. I do believe that this man has been so thoroughly manipulated by his violent partner, that he no longer has a will. Battery, control and intimidation are obviously not the exclusive domain of male aggressors, as this case demonstrates. Contrary to feminist claims, women are just as capable of physical aggression and psychological intimidation. The victim in this case has become so brainwashed that he actually loves his killer, and cannot bring himself to leave her. This is known as learned helplessness, and he has fallen prey to it.

John Dias
Founder, DontMakeHerMad.com
"Stopping False Allegations with Surveillance Technology"

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One can only hope that within that seven year period, that the poor fool will meet a better care giver than she was. He probably was scared to be alone, and was confused. I'm sure that while she is away that he will come to his senses, don't you? Time can not only heal, but enlighten as well.

David A. DeLong

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Her defense attorney stated --

"This is a desperately sad woman. She found her husband difficult to cope with."

Well, it is nice to know that "being sad" is now a reasonable alibi for attempted murder!

Maybe the poor sap should have dressed up like a clown around the house, or tell jokes to make her laugh and keep her happy.

Why couldn't she get some Prozac?

Obviously her husband deserved to die for failing to fulfill her needs.

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