NJ Guidance Counsellor Finally Held to Account

She did what she did for years and went unchallenged. Unthinkable if she had been a he. Story here. Excerpt:

'After Ms. West was arrested, school officials insisted for more than a year that the allegation was the only accusation of misconduct in a sterling 24-year career. They allowed her to take an early retirement package that fattened her pension, and gave her a farewell party with cake and ice cream. When Ms. West pleaded guilty in 2005 to sexual assault charges, glowing references from co-workers, supervisors and friends helped persuade a judge to sentence her only to probation. She was also spared the ordeal of having to register as a sex offender.

Now, with Mr. Castlegrande suing the school district for failing to protect students from a woman with a sexual appetite for under-age boys, this city of 62,000 has been forced to examine how little was done to stop her earlier. Even as the news media were saturated with coverage of teachers like Pamela Smart and Mary Kay Letourneau who slept with their students, Bayonne averted its eyes for years.'

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Nobody gives a shit about boys and the women who molest them and then these same stupid fucking assholes wonder why these guys legitimately take it out on cunts.

BTW,I wasn't able to view the story because the NY Times wants you to register first and they can kiss my masculist ass if they want that because I'm not giving it to them.

Radical feminism cures chivalry

Some people tell me I need help
Some people can fuck off and go to hell

Debate and defeat

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Is it just me, or are there more and more of these cases coming to light. I don't think anyone on this list would argue that these have been happening all along, but its good to hear that people are finally starting to talk about this being a problem.

It may not be full accountability at this point, but its a start. Mr. Castlegrande deserves a good pat on the back for bringing this case to light.

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This seems to have gone on for decades with this woman and there is mention to other boys that she molested that have not come forward (like the 13 year old she molested at least once at a dance). This woman seems to have been as much a "sexual predator" (I hate that term because of how it is used to paint men as evil) as any male who sexully molests young children in his care. Is she really any better then the bad priest or boy scout leader? Of course not. It is simply the fact that she is a woman that grants her leniency and forgiveness.

It boggles my mind that AFTER rumours float around town about her molesting a 13 year old boy and marrying a boy who impregnated her when he was 15 that she is able get a position as a guidence councellor with private one on one access with the objects of her sexual desire.

Is it just me, or is it only women who are also sparred the tragidy that is registering as a sex offender? Men who pee on trees end up on state registries yet women who molest multiple young boys get a free pass to maintain their privacy and be free of vigilanty justice.

I agree that it is a good thing that at least people are reporting these woman and talking about this as if it is a problem. It is about time that people actually acknowledge that men can be used as children for womens sexual gratification.

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