Women who kill thier children are now bonding with each other...

This is just insane. Andrea Yates and Dena Schlosser are now buddies. That's right. They give each other, "emotional support" and have a "relationship" . The article that follows seems to portray them as poor wounded victims clinging to each other for surivial. Let me ask you, would two men who murdered thier children ever see the light of day again much less be allowed to buddy up? I think not. The world has gone insane...

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"We talk about our past, we talk about our memories, our fun memories, the things that our kids did,"

What fun memories? Do they discuss ripping a childs arm off and 10 ways to drown your children without doing jail time? Do they celebrate Mothers Day?

Why the hell is Yates ex-husband visiting her? I wonder if Laci Paterson's parents are visiting Scott Peterson on death row? Maybe they him bring cookies and brownies.


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..but it continues to get even moreso, now that feminism has a strong foothold.
You know I have been thinking lately, the feminist idealogy really is facist. And it does derive from Marxism, except the priviliged class is males rather than the bourgeoise.
But I guess that is only a tangentially related topic.

Women who commit crimes are ALWAYS considered victims, if not immediately then at least within a couple years. Take the case of Aileen Wournos, who was executed (unbelievable!) for serial killing of men. Later she was portrayed by Charlize Theron, in a popular movie (can't remember the name right now) in a fashion designed to elicit sympathy towards her (Wournos) from viewers; and as a victim of sorts, since she was engaged in prostitution (of course, everyone knows prostitues, who are CRIMINALS, are all really vicitms of the pimps, johns and police. Furthermore, they are all supporting a drug habit which was FORCED upon them, or FORCED into slavery since they are single mothers who became desperate. I also have a bridge for sale..).
What about a hypothetical (though quite probably actually existing) male serial robber of convenience stores, who had an abusive upbringing and was stealing to support HIS drug habit? Oh well, time to get tough.
Like the rest of the people on this board, I am sick of this shit. Oh well, I guess I have a "persecution complex", like some idiot on the staff of the St. Petersburg, FL Times told me just now (when I called to complain about their biased articles). When in doubt, attack the person who is complaining; silence critics. That is what facists do.

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Andrea Yates killed 5 children in 2001.

Dena Schlosser killed 1 child in 2004.

But there are two others that killed during that same time frame.

Deanna Laney killed 2 children and left one permanently injured in 2003. She used rocks to bash their skulls in.

And there is Liza Diaz who killed 2 children in 2003. Copy catted Andrea by turning the bathtub into a murder weapon.

Total: 10 children murdered and one permanently handicapped due to the assault.

They all were found NOT GUILTY by reason of insanity.

It is said that not guilty by reason of insanity is a seldom used defense and is even less successful especially in a strict conservative law and order state like Texas. These four killers obviously beat the odds. Much like winning the powerball lottery 4 times in a row.

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There is a sympathetic tone in the article about these murdering moms which you would almost never see in a story about fathers who snapped and murdered their children. The sympathy, of course, is for the mothers who committed the murders. The poor women were overcome by forces outside their control, they were victims of mental illness or some pathology or cruelty of circumstance that got the best of them, and so on.

Compare news artcles and editorials about men who commit murder and assault with those about women who do the same. It's not just the criminal jutice system which treats violent, murdering women more leniently than their male counterparts. The media helps shape public attitudes and opinion. It absolutely attempts to find excuses for women who commit violent crimes, while condeming men who do so. I am getting sick of it too!

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The media helps shape public attitudes and opinion. It absolutely attempts to find excuses for women who commit violent crimes, while condeming men who do so

This is so true! However, when children commit some heinous crime like murder they also are portrayed sympathetically in the media. That is because we view children as mentally inept and emotionally unmatured to understand the consequences of their actions. Society just doesn't expect or demand much personal responsibility from children on the whole. And the as the arch-fem Betty Feidan stated in her tome Feminine Mystic, society views adult women the same. Women are just oversized children with diminished personal responsibility. But the problem with that is these oversized children can vote, hold public office, make contracts, get issued driver's licenses and everything else real children or not allowed to do.

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