38,000 troops diagnosed with PTSD, says Army

Article here. Excerpt:

"Newly diagnosed cases of post-traumatic stress disorder among U.S. troops sent to Iraq and Afghanistan surged 46.4 percent in 2007, bringing the five-year total to more than 38,000, according to U.S. military data released on Tuesday.

The statistics, released by the Army, showed the number of new PTSD cases formally diagnosed at U.S. military facilities climbed to 13,981 last year from 9,549 in 2006.

PTSD is a health condition that can result from wartime trauma such as being physically wounded or seeing others hurt or killed.

Symptoms range from irritability and outbursts of anger to sleep difficulties, trouble concentrating, extreme vigilance and an exaggerated startle response. People with the condition can persistently relive the traumatic events that initially induced horror or helplessness."

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Symptoms range from irritability and outbursts of anger to sleep difficulties, trouble concentrating, extreme vigilance and an exaggerated startle response. People with the condition can persistently relive the traumatic events that initially induced horror or helplessness

The same symptoms are predictably seen in male victims after getting screwed royally in Western culture's misandric family law judicial system. The real war against governmental oppression for men is right here at home not in Iraq!

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I just thought I'd mention that. Congress has been recently considering recommendations from the Dole-Shalala commission, which proposed doing away with certain types of VA disability benefits. Current and future PTSD-diagnosed recipients of disability compensation could be affected.


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