Operation "G-WAR"

I've been thinking long and hard about the state of men in this country and in the Western world, generally.

Each and every day through media, family courts and other places. The constant belittling, dehumanizing, mockery and gynosexism and over all bigotry against men our "civilization" is bathed in and beaten over the head with. And increasingly, I see the effects on not just men but women, too. The damage is severe. It has been nearly completely absorbed into the public Psyche, things that would now be considered unacceptable to be said or done to ANY group of Americans, and called "bigotry" and "un-American" is said and done to men on an ever flow basis.

We call America a "free country". with "Freedom and Justice for ALL". I don't care WHAT you've been told, this country is NOT "liberty" OR "JUSTICE" for "ALL".

If it were, Native Americans would not be starving to death, living in 3rd world conditions on forgotten wastelands called "reservations". And, if it were, hate speech against MEN would not be tolerated any more that it would be WOMEN.

The constant barrage from the media, News or "Entertainment" of such vile and literal Naziesque vitriol would be tolerated by NO ONE, Men, Women or who EVER.

Yet it is tolerated against Men.

If America WAS about "JUSTICE for ALL" would that not mean EVERYONE regardless of who they are? If America deprives even one group of Americans of Justice. It can no longer make such a claim about itself.

My Brothers (and few sisters), I say that America has and is waging WAR against it's own citizens. It's MALE citizens, in this case. Feminism and propaganda, are the primary weapons for the moment. but what ELSE in the future? And yes it IS a war. Look at the ever increasing DAMAGE that is being done to this once great nation. Some of it irreparable. WOMEN (or at least a good majority) are compliant with this war.

I say we (FINALLY) start to fight back. And I believe I may have away to do just THAT, with no casualties on either "side". Except for Neofeminism, perhaps.

I call it "operation G-WARS" AKA "Gender war".

Of course it is not a war that would harm or oppress ANYONE.

We have been complaining for DECADES about the ill treatment of Western men. But very few of us have done anything about it

I may have a way we can stand together without necessarily being in the same room, state or even country.

If Scott posts this submission, I will go into detail, if not I may just bring it up, when it's again appropriate on another thread.


Your favorite neighborhood,


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Looking forward to next instruction.


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I would be glad to hear your ideas Thundercloud! Just be sure you are not the only Brother out there doing anything. Glad to hear your health is good, and you survived. It used to be a good day to die, but it is a better day to live now!

David A. DeLong

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In the conclusion of their excellent book "Spreading Misandry," Paul Nathanson and Katerine Young write -

"To the extent that gynocentrism and androcentrism can be described as worldviews, then the dominant worldview of this period, at least in public, is clearly gynocentrism. The fact that it has a dark underside has been ignored, excused, and trivialized. The revolution has been successful, as Marxists would say, because the new values are now so firmly embedded in everyday life that we can hardly see them, let alone challenge them."

I would suggest that one of the greatest values of the men's and father's movement in its infancy is to interrogate and bring into the light these hidden gynocentric assumptions, so that they cannot just be "taken for granted" as the natural and normal way things are meant to be.

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David, thank you. Good to be back (and none too soon, evidently). And yeah I agree it is a good day to LIVE.
That's why I decided to do away with my old tag line; "Hoka Hey!" (It is a good day to die) Actually dying kinda makes you rethink the whole idea.

Some days it's a good day to die, sometimes it's just good to go to Bob Evens and eat Blue cheese and mozzarella burgers.

Anyway, on to business.

My idea for "Operation G-wars" is this, in a nut shell.

Good ol' fashion TURN ABOUT.

It is my belief that it is time to hold the "mirror" up to Feminists and most women, now.

It is time we literally give them a dose of their own medicine. Go Tit for tat. (yeah, I know what I said. no puns intended)

Fight them using the very same tactics they have been using to shame and blame and harm men to the point of national nonentity.

For every (anti-male) action, there will be an equal and opposite RE-action, for feminists and women, in general.

Gettin' my drift?

The Key, my friends is ACCOUNTABILITY.

Yes, accountability.

Men have nothing BUT accountability, even when they are not accountable.

Women, on the other hand have nearly or NO accountability, even if they are accountable.

This is why they can (and do) say the most hateful, violent and vile things to and about men imaginable.
Things that would LITTERALLY get a MAN thrown into court and even jail if he were to speak to or about WOMEN in the same way.
(Good old freedom of speech, huh? ...yeah..., I MISS that...,)
For women there are simply no consequences to their hate, bigotry, prejudicial speech or even actions, no matter how unconstitutional or horrible they may be. And as many men know, I mean this literally.

So the media will not hold women accountable. So, we know we can't count on them.

The courts and even the federal Government will not hold women accountable.

So SOMEONE has to.

And that someone, boys, is gonna HAVE to be US!

If we all stood up together in this we could REALLY shake things up! I'm serious.

Basically it's simple. like I said we simply use the tactic of reversal.
To every anti-male joke a woman or women make we tell a anti-FEMALE joke.
When women are sitting around talking about how funny it would be to cut off a man's dick or balls, we say how funny it would be to shove a red hot poker into a woman's puss (an' I don't mean 'face').

For every negative comment about men a woman makes, she will automatically hear from us a negative comment about women.

Every time a woman says; "I hate men!" she will hear "I hate women" in return.

Since today's women, for the most part, turn a deaf ear to our issues, we turn a deaf ear to theirs.

When women mock men we mock them just as hard.

Since women have no empathy or compassion towards men's suffering, we will have none for theirs.

In short what ever negative and anti-male comment or action, women will have it shoved in their faces.
Simply put, do unto them as they do unto you.
Let THEM feel the heat for a change.

And never be afraid to call women hypocrites. Because first; they are (most anyway) and second what we will (would) be doing is to ILLUSTRATE that hypocrisy.

Yeah, I know what you're probably thinkin'; "But Thundercloud, But Thundercloud, I'll be labeled a "Misogynist". "

That's right. You (we) probably will. But there are casualties in any war. I am ready to make some sacrifices. We all NEED to be ready to do so.

Yeah, it's possible (but not likely) you could even end up coolin' your heels in a jail cell, for a day, or more.
That is what happens with "civil disobedience".
Name me one civil rights activist (warrior) that hasn't been put in a jail cell for insisting his/her civil, GUARANTEED constitutional and basic human rights be upheld?

We can no longer sit around and wait for Feminists, Western women or the Government to "come to it's senses". It hasn't happened now and it ain't gonna happen in the future.
We can no longer be the spineless, groveling "Uncle Toms" that we seem to have become.

We have to stop thinking that women are incapable of such hate and bigotry and ill-will. They are Human. THAT makes them capable.

We can no longer sit and wait to reasonably discuss the matter with them over cookies and lemonade. have belly rubs and hold hands in unity, singing "Kumbaya".
It will NEVER happen.
There will be no negotiations. PERIOD.

FEMINISTS and WOMEN Started this war against their fellow Americans.
But we men did something even worse.
We let it happen, and to this day let it continue, even despite the obvious damage it has done, not JUST to men, but children AND COUNTRY.
We... let... it... happen...!

Now it is up to us men (as usual) to fix the problem.
And I say THIS is a good way for us to start.

Of course as is, this is just a rough draft of what we need to do. In the end we do NOT want to see people hurt, Men OR Women. So Anyone with any advise as to how we can do this more effectively, take the floor by all means.

This is in NOWAY meant to mean an actual "PHYSICAL WAR". it is simply an act of civil disobedience aimed at the Government, Neofeminazis, the media and many American women.
I do NOT advocate hurting women. or anyone at all (And none of us should).

So if this seems to be at least an idea to look at seriously, I'm beggin' for feed back and other (even better) ideas, or strategies that we can use, like wearing pro-male T-shirts or something. and the best ways we could organize this.

Well, either lay into me, or help me out, here. (^_^)

(the new and improved)

Ladies, remember; you can't preach EQUALITY while claiming SUPERIORITY. Dig?

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I agree with what you say Thundercloud. But the only thing that I would caution is to do it with love. Yes, that is the key ingredient that most women lack in their interaction with men, love. If we are to lead by example then we must also show what it means to be really strong, not just in power as the women have been. We must love women, as women must love men. Only in the natural state can we be truely free, both men, and women. So chastise in love, teach in patience, and lead in strength. Yes, Thundercloud; it is indeed a good day to Live!

David A. DeLong

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we really do need a coherent "something" that will get our message out there

and maybe pay expenses for the war.

i have an idea for a t shirt.

picture a bluegreen hot alien woman w/ antenna saying something like

"wanna get rich?

get rid of the bitch"

maybe put little hearts on it to show our love.

that will get t.c. all excited.

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I hear you.
And I don't disagree with your idea.
Maybe I'm coming' at this too strong.

Civil disobedience doesn't HAVE to be nasty, does it?
I used to be a member of A.I.M. the "AMERICAN INDIAN MOVEMENT". I still have that radical blood in me, I guess.

Mahatma Gandhi got a lot done with "passive resistance", but I think in this case, the LAST thing we need is to be "passive". I think that is what got us in trouble in the first place. Men willingly lay down and allowed women to stomp on them. We're still doing that, for the most part.

So, yeah I think a compromise of action could work well.

But the thing is, to find a way to get a attention getting number of men to get off their duffs and DO this. Sittin' around complaining has historically gotten us nowhere.

Also I was thinking, last night, I wonder what would happen if one or more Men's and/or fathers' rights group(s), say, like the Coalition of Free Men, for example, could possibly get a lawyer (or lawyers) and literally see about SUEING the media (both "News" and "Entertainment") for SLANDER against men. You know? Defamation of character on a national level.
THAT may be a way to do it.

Any way, what ever we do, we have to make it BIG, for it to work.
That's my 2 cents.

let's REALLY get our heads together on it, and hit fast and HARD.

(the new and improved)

Ladies, remember; you can't preach EQUALITY while claiming SUPERIORITY. Dig?

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Hey, hey, hey, hey, I said I KINDA dig the green Alien chicks from STAR WARS, I didn't say I got a BONER for them!

Seriously, though.
Yeah, the T-shirt angle is a good one.

Before I took an asphalt nap for 11 months, I now do vaguely remember we were gonna possibly try the T-shirt thing, before. I remember Ray, Napnip and some of the other vets, here came up with it.
Unfortunately, it evidently didn't get off the ground.
Not enough willing participants, may be?

But we could try again.

This would have and still could be a great idea, that could work.

And yeah, it could be a GREAT way to finance the "war".

Crazy, I feel like I'm in a WWII movie with planes filling the skies. (^-^)

Check ya later.

(the new and improved)

Ladies, remember; you can't preach EQUALITY while claiming SUPERIORITY. Dig?

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When one acts in love, the action it self may be uncomfortable for the receiver. Action is exactly what we need Thundercloud, I agree 100%! But we don't need the hate that many preach to go with positive change. But, you are right, we need to teach not only women, but men as well. Correct again Thundercloud, many talk big on the net, but hang their head and walk behind their women. It is time men started acting like men. Self control denotes strength, show your strength. Men should lead by example, an action, or a moment, can help change a life. Be strong enough to be gentle, gentle enough to be firm, and loving enough to forgive.

David A. DeLong

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I don't want to leave the wrong impression.

I don't hate women, but at the moment, (for obvious reasons) I am very ANGRY at women.

Most of all I am angry at their hypocrisy.

Say like, if you step on your dog's tail, and he bites you, does that mean that he doesn't love you?
Of course not. It means you are hurting him and he has to let you know about it. Same with humans, too. If your wife keeps kicking or hitting you you either tell her to cut it out, or you grab her so she can't harm you any more. At least for a while.
That doesn't mean you don't LOVE her it means; "Hey, you're hurtin' me, and I don't dig it. I love you but I don't like what you are doing to me, so knock it off."

You don't want to hurt her, but she won't quit it, so you got to do SOMETHING.

I think that this is where we all are now.
No one (with any compassion, at least) wants "hurt women". But we are TIRED of them hurting US. And it's time for a gentle shove-back. (Gentle for now, any way).

But, remember; this could be (and may be right now) a "battle" for our very survival. Self preservation HAS to kick in eventually. But will it do so before it's to late? That's a big part of the problem.
I believe that most men are still complacent. They don't want to believe that women, sugar and spice and all that jazz, can be so vicious and full of hate and have a will to destroy anyone.
Plus I also think that most men are still waiting for "it to blow over". That's kinda what "MY people" have been doing.
Well for us and the male gender, in general, it HASN'T "blown over" and it never will.
Since feminism (Or as I think we should start calling it; the "Gynojihad") began things have progressivly gotten better for men, right? ...WRONG! they have been steadily been getting WORSE. almost to the point of even possible "Geno"cide. Androcide I think it could be called.

I am hyper aware of the "Domino effect". I seem to have a gift for that, in fact. Once something begins, I can 89% accurately tell you how it will end. ('not boasting, merely a statement of fact).

With this in mind, I am very alarmed at the likely end of all this for males. At least in the Western world.

If ya wanna see a bunch of bananas who REALLY hate and oppress women, then look no further than places like Sadi Arabia. Now THOSE clowns fit perfectly with the kind of charges that American women throw at men in this and other Western countries. We Yank guys and Brit Blokes come NOWHERE near being like the loony-toons in Arabia, yet we are accused of it by a great number of women, in our country(s). in fact Western WOMEN bear more resemblance to Arabian men than most western men.
Western women's attitude towards men is nearly the same as Arabic men', toward women. It ain't that bad yet, but even HELLEN KELLER can see the progression towards it in our country(s).

So, any wa, to wrap this comment up, FINALY (I HAVE been long winded, lately)
I agree that we should love women.
But as a general rule women do NOT love US.
We should keep this in mind...,


By the way Ladies. A Cherokee man that I highly respect, recently said; (on the "Gender war)"Women have forgotten that respect works in a Holy way. But ONLY when it is MUTUAL...,"
I concur.

(the new and improved)

Ladies, remember; you can't preach EQUALITY while claiming SUPERIORITY. Dig?

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Okay, this has me excited. Forgive me if I get windy.
I like the idea of an organized and determined counter offensive against the feminists. I don't, however, think a tit for tat exchange will be very effective.
The feminists have the ear and sympathies of the media. Firing off insults (in the same manner they do, and will) is a sure way to lose. It will give the men's movement the perception of being 'misogynist', alienate any high placed allies and generally devolve into a long defeat, for us.
Perhaps a (seemingly) less direct approach would work. Target the sources of funding for these harpies. Who advertises is know misandrist publications? Who makes campaign contributions to your local representatives? Who airs ads during man-bashing television shows? These are the people to lean on. "You advertise here, I won't do business with you." Even the networks themselves can be pressured. "Stop airing this bunk NOW or all of us will boycott you". The religious right used these techniques very effectively in the '80's to have 'objectionable' music (among other things) pulled from shelves. Find out where the cash to finance anti-male tripe comes from and attack it. Letters of boycott are easy to mass produce and send electronically. Threatening to withdraw our patronage, if enough of us act, will force advertisers and officials to come around to our point of view. Tell your friends and family, get them involved. Think of how much fun it will dismanteling the Vagistate with the guys!
Don't just lean on state/provincial or even federal level politicians, get local. Lobby school board trustees ( hell join your local PTA), judges, your local chief of police. They must become afraid of being smeared misandrist just as they are to be labelled misogynist. Strike at the very entities breathing life into the gyno-weenies and pull the plug on their loathsome ideology.

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It seems that you have the thunder Brother, now let us see the lightning! Yes, you have a wonderful idea! I also see that others are thinking about the possibilities, very good! Yes, spreading hate only helps the system, and you know that. Keep the Human faith Brother, and start teaching our sisters, that by disrespecting Brothers, they in turn disrespect themselves.
No road worth traveling has ever been easy, and this is nothing different.

David A. DeLong

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I'm not sure if you would be interested in this but blogger MisAnDrope of the web log M Is For Malevolent is trying to start and MRA group with similar intentions. Protesting, marching, letter writing, ect. I've already posted about it in another thread. (Labor Strike For Men's/Father's Rights) My response is currently at the bottom of the thread.

Good luck in your efforts to get this project going.

Mezz Mezzrow Jr.

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Seems to me that one of the most important battlefronts should be university campuses. This is one of the primary lairs of the Great Satan Gynocracy.

I am sure we are all aware of the indoctrination that takes place in a university environment. Take Back the Night marches, annual undergraduate productions of the Pussy Monologues, and a wide assortment of curriculum that is strongly biased against men.

I personally intend to submit a proposal for an undergraduate Men's Studies course to my curriculum committee sometime before the end of the year. My first rehearsal will be a presentation with the same content to a group of colleagues that work with the military in November (probably I'll learn how to take feminist lumps during that trip).

Catch 'em while they're young-ish.

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The more I've read from others on this thread the more I realize that the "Tit for Tat" thing is not the best idea, after all.

Some things I didn't consider were things like; What about innocent women? I (we) don't want to hurt innocent women. First, because they have committed no crime, just as any and all innocent men the gynojihadists accuse of being the same as all "evil" men.
And second; What would the effects be of this "hate fest" on our kids? Not good, I'd bet.

Also, the old adage is true (like many are); "Two wrongs don't make a right".

We can't use Gynojihadist tactics, lest we become our enemy.

It's like feminists and many women use sexism to fight (real or imagined) sexism.
We thus create what we all know as; "The Vicious circle".

As one of my Tribal Elders once said: "Not ALL circles are sacred...".

So, I guess the idea is sound, but the initial tactics were not.
Well..., I'm an idiot.

So, Let's begin with something like the T-shirt idea.

Let's see if we can find a way to get then manufactured, or hell, if nothin' else make our own.

What would be some good Pro- Male, Anti-Feminist slogans or messages.

I've been thinking of some, like;

"IT'S OKAY TO BE A MAN". (Wow, real creative, huh?)

"I'm no longer your whipping boy, I ain't gonna work on Maggie's farm no more".

"MEN. just as human as you are."

Okay, Okay. I never said they were GOOD ideas.

I'll work on it more. *shrugs*

Anyone else have suggestions?
And not just about the T-shirts, but anything else that can help.

******* ******* ******* ******* ******* ******* ******* ****

(the new and improved)

Ladies, remember; you can't preach EQUALITY while claiming SUPERIORITY. Dig?

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i don't really have any idea but from what i understand, even if the "eye for an eye" principle won't work, it WILL be necessary to speak out.

it will be necessary to be heard before any progress can be made.

however, the way things are now, it will end in war one way or another (it's all down to damage control and i figure a war of debates will do the least damage)

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...anyone else have any suggestions...?

a-any one at all...?

j-just... jump right in..., any time...,



...hello? a-anybody there??


*shrugs disappointedly and walks away*

(the new and improved)

Ladies, remember; you can't preach EQUALITY while claiming SUPERIORITY. Dig?

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