MSN: "Senate Republicans kill pay disparity bill"

Story here. Excerpt:

'Senate Republicans killed legislation Wednesday aimed at removing limits on how long workers can wait before suing their employers for pay discrimination.

Democrats, speaking to key constituencies of women, minorities and swing voters this election year, said they weren't finished trying to pass the bill.

"Women of America: Put your lipstick on, square your shoulders, suit up" and get ready to fight, Sen. Barbara Mikulski, D-Md., said moments after the bill's opponents denied supporters the 60 votes needed to proceed to full debate and a vote on passage. "The revolution starts tonight."
Democratic presidential rivals Hillary Rodham Clinton and Barack Obama swung through Washington to speak from short, prepared statements in favor of the legislation. It was the first time in months that both candidates spoke on the Senate floor, an indication of the bill's importance to voters the two are fighting for in their ongoing battle for their party's nomination.'

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The MSM (in particular, MSN) just can't seem to get off the boys=GOP, girls=Demos track, can they? Don't they realize it is in fact working against the party they are leaning toward?

Oh well. You know, I wish we not only had a solid 3rd party to be able to challenge the 2-party stranglehold, but also a second (and maybe a third) "Fourth Estate", too, to challenge the current monolithic stranglehold as well. And I am not just talking about lib-leaning news sources, either, but also con-leaning; together they form this one monolith that we can't seem to shake. I would like to see one that can be neither and still do the news justice. I'd start my own perhaps but don't have the $10 billion it'd take to get it off the ground.

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We have at least 6 parties here in Germany that you can vote for at every major election and who usually have representatives in the resulting committees.

Christian democrats - conservative

Labour - more like "conservative left" these days. Rather pro-feminist.

Green party - leftists, environmentalists, pro-feminist - but leaning towards the bourgeoise more and more.

Liberals - liberal in the literal sense, not leftist like in the US. The opposite actually. The traditional allies of the Conservatives. Against regulation in all forms, resp. what you call "big government". Rather neutral to feminism.

The left - new party from the left wing of Labour. What labour used to be.

PDS - successor to the SED of communist East Germany.

But what we hardly have at all is "grassroots democracy" in the American sense with voters being able to influence local decisions. Hence you have a much higher power as a people in spite of your lack of political parties.

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Ever hear of a German industrial band called KMFDM? One of my favorites.

I dont mean to be a pain in the ass but I was hoping for a favor.

I assuming you speak German so I was wondering if you can give me an idea what the below KMFDM lyrics mean. It doesn't have to be word for word just a basic overview [if the lyrics are inappropriate than never mind.]

"Die wunder dieser Welt werden dir geschenkt
Glück ist nicht käuflich Sehnsucht bleibt unerreicht
Preisrätsel winken nimmersatt
Kein Mitleid für die Mehrheit

Wenn der Untergrund bebt ist die Ordnung erschüttert
Der Verrat an der Seele macht leben ungesund
Mit unschlagbaren reimen werden wir uns vertreiben
Die zeit der langen weile bis zum grossen bums

Musik ist macht
Eine Ausgesprochene Verbindung von schlau un dumm
Herrschsüchtigen wird unter immensem Druck und Leidenschaft
Große Freude und vertrauen abgesaugt
der Helden Riff ist der Froschfresser
der Rhythmus ein schooner Schwan
Nur die Worte ein Blutegel an deinem Gehirn
Keiner macht für dich mehr"


Some of my favorite German music includes: Kraftwork, KMFDM, Wumpscut, Einstürzende Neubauten, and Nico [Christa Päffgen]


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I threw the lyrics into Google Translation and got this back (some of the words didn't get translated and I don't have time to analyze it myself):

The wonder of the world will send you a gift
Happiness is not for sale longing remains unattained
Price mystery wave nimmersatt
No pity for the majority

If the reason is the order bebt shaken
The betrayal of the soul makes unhealthy living
With unbeatable rhyming, we will distribute
The long time to dwell big bums

Music is made
A combination of clever Ausgesprochene un stupid
Herrschsüchtigen is under immense pressure and passion
Great joy and confidence evacuated
the hero of the reef is Froschfresser
the rhythm a schooner swan
Only the words of a leech to your brain
Nobody does more for you

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