Update on Poisoned Marine Case

Referring to this prior post, the update is here. Excerpt:

"SAN DIEGO (AP) -- A woman accused of poisoning her Marine husband with arsenic to cash in on his $250,000 life insurance policy was convicted of murder on Tuesday.

Prosecutors argued Cynthia Sommer, 33, wanted a more luxurious lifestyle than she could afford on her 23-year-old husband's $1,700 monthly salary and saw the military life insurance policy as a way to "set herself free."

Sommer's friends and co-workers testified during the trial that she threw wild parties, got her breasts enlarged and had casual sex with multiple partners in the weeks after her husband's collapse.

Todd Sommer was in top condition when he collapsed and died at the couple's home on the Marine Corps' Miramar base in San Diego."

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What a way for this cunt to "support the troops"

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Here is the link to another trial of a black widow similar to the one above. This one killed her spouse prey for a $500,000 insurance policy. She was also found guilty of murder in the 1st degree and could (fat chance!!) get the death penalty. This one for some reason didn't get as much publicity as the murdered Marine story. I guess it was the breast implants that kept the media's attention.

All in all, these 2 black widows are going to pay for their crimes unless some state Governor in the future commutes their sentences to appease the rad-fem crowd.

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....my money is on the conviction getting quashed on appeal.

She was convicted more of being a filthy slut and poor mother then on actual evidence that she had killed her husband and I doubt it will hold on appeal.

I am not saying she is innocent (I don't think the case proved beyond a reasonable doubt she's guilty though) or even a good person, I am just thinking that if was arrested for the death of my wife I would not want to be found guilty on primarily character evidence. This was not an easy case to prosecute, and I am sure it was no easy task for the jury.

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According to the reported articles, she got ENGAGED two months after her hubby died.

That is one cold bitch.

And she was sleeping around with multiple guys before he mysteriously expired.

And she escapes a life sentence after 800 days in prison?

I smell a judge who got a big payment from her dead husband's life insurance policy.

In other words, fraud.

And some very savvy lawyers who know how to exploit the system.

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