MSN: Wife and Husband's "Bills of Rights"



Compare and contrast... the list for husbands asks for small ways in which he is "allowed" to be alive and just be himself without getting whacked. The wife's list is the ways in which she is allowed to curtail his life and decide how he is to behave toward her.

Reminds me of some of those "duties of the master/slave" lists that have popped up throughout history.

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We have the right to flirt.
Not the kind that makes you jealous, but the healthy practice of connecting with another person on a non-sexual level.

I'll need some examples of this one. I love how husbands don't even have this same right.

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I'm a new member but have been reading this site for over a year. I just posted this same story and then realized Matt posted it too, so I'll put some comments here. My comments:

The wife reserves the right to dislike her hubby's friends, and to have her hubby keep secrets that might embarrass her and to dislike his friends. She of course reserves the right to gossip to her friends as much as she pleases. The author says that taking PMS out on a man is 'unfair' but that it is hard for women to control themselves (excuses). Of course men's biology is the reason why V.A.W.A. can hold any of us accountable for even looking at a woman funny because we're a bunch of testosterone fueled abuse machines. The article says the wife has the right to demand that household chores are completed. If a man demanded the same thing isn't that domestic abuse and grounds to take his kids and money, or murder him and get off using the abuse excuse?

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Both of those lists are trash.

They do the exact opposite of addressing the widespread misandry in marriages: rather, they perpetuate the negative stereotypes of both sexes. In my opinion, a good step toward gender equality would be to shed those negative stereotypes. You know--finally manage to convince the extreme feminists that all men aren't chauvinist pigs, and are in fact worthy of equal rights and considerations in all spheres.

I was surprised to see that a man wrote the "Husbands" half, as it sometimes sounded like it was written by a misandrist trying to be witty. It flips between "chauvinist pig" (II: I will forbid multi-family events if your friend's husband [chosen only so she could get married quickly, mind you] is "uncool"; IX: If you and I are both sitting down to watch TV, I get the remote by default) and "idiot male" (IV: We don't intend to make messes, they just happen because we're incompetent; V: We are "wired" to be immature).

Matt wrote: Reminds me of some of those "duties of the master/slave" lists that have popped up throughout history.

Yeah, it really does.

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Isn't it funny?

They can dislike our friends and we can dislike their friends' husbands.

They can flirt, but we can't look (that definitely should have made the list).


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how about the right to know if your offspring, that dutiful and legally bound husbands will be required to support for at least the next 18-22 years, actually belongs to your husband. believe me, if he has any offspring that are not yours you will most likely be one of the first to know.

how about the right to have a guaranteed equal relationship/custody w/ his children once you find the real man of your dreams.

how about the right to expect equal support (as he will be required by law to pay) for the children once you decide you want to do other things w/ your life.

how about the right to not be falsely accused of DV, rape, child molestation or cruelty during a divorce, just so wives can gain the upper hand.

is that enuf? there' smore.

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The Gender Wars are killing our culture.

(Excerpts from the article) --

* “We have the right to dislike your buddies.”

Translation: I will do everything in my power to isolate you from your male friends. I will tell you that being around them makes me “uncomfortable.” I will refuse you sex if you keep hanging around with them.

* "We have the right to experience PMS in all its glory."

Translation: My brain is marinated in a stew of hormones and I have the right to be crazy whenever I want and you just have to put up with it. If you don’t, I’ll just dial 911 and say “I am afraid of him.” Then you will go to jail.

* "We have the right to demand you finish a household job. We're not your mothers, and we loathe having to act like them."

Translation: This one is really funny, because most men marry women just like their mothers!

What a dishonest article.

Excellent example of feminist "scholarship!"

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