Daily Mail: Why men should NEVER be at the birth of their child

This Michel Odent guy is a real jerk. Here is his anti-male and anti-father diatriabe.

Unfortunately, there aren't any angry emoticons to attach to this message.


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... he is too extreme. I think the take-home should be men and women expecting babies should discuss this matter carefully before deciding if the father should or wants to be present. In other words, it should not be presumed by default to be the better way to do things, and input for and against it should be clear and weighed commensurately.

But to say that he should "NEVER" be there-- totally wrong to say that.

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I didn't find this very offensive. I don't think he's incredibly far off. Men can feel guilty, helpless and even traumatized. Women can feel embarrassed, self-conscious, and too concerned for their husband's condition.

Not saying it always happens; but it certainly can.. and it can hinder the delivery itself... which isn't what anyone wants.

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