Do boys and girls learn better apart? Two takes

Article here. Excerpt:

"Girls and boys learn differently, so they should have an option to be taught separately.
Both genders are more likely to take courses they might not have traditionally taken.
Boys or girls can get less of a quality education if they don't have access to the same resources.
Research hasn't proved an academic benefit."

Contrast the preceding to this article:

"Parents, please note -- co-educational schools are better as the presence of girls in the classes "calm" boys and improve their academic performance as well, a new study has revealed.

A higher percentage of girls also lowers the amount of classroom disruption and fosters a better relationship between students and their teachers, the researchers in Israel have found in their study.
In fact, the study found that primary school classrooms with a female majority showed increased academic success for both boys and girls, along with a notable improvement in subjects like Science and Mathematics."

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is the standards for classroom behavior were changed in the 90s under Clinton and Donna Shalala to use female behavior and learning as 'the norm'. Boys are not girls. They do not behave nor learn like girls. They are boys. They have boy's brains.

For this reason there is a mismatch between the techniques being used and the behavior being expected. Boys are now at a distinct disadvantage. Here in oregon I go to my kid's elementary school and posted on the main bulletin boards in the main hall are all kinds of "special programs" to develop girls (science, 'hand tools', etc). But no classes for boys AT ALL. This is ludicrous. But this is how it is these days.

oregon dad

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The second article disgusts me. They are clearly trying to feminise the boys by placing them in classes with more girls than boys. How demasculating.

The RED FLAGS are raised when the ACLU and N.O.W. state their violent opposition to male only classes.
Now, if academic scores improve for the boys when they are taught in male only classes, why would NOW complain? Shouldn't schooling be about academic performance? Of course it should be. But the ACLUs and the NOW groups have an AGENDA that they are trying to promote, and that AGENDA cannot be effectively promoted if they can't beat the boys down to behave and think like girls.

THIS is what parents should be alarmed about.

oregon dad

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Now, if academic scores improve for the boys when they are taught in male only classes, why would NOW complain?

Because precious tax dollars (paid 70% by men) are not going towards helping females or feminizing males!

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