Listen To Kim Gandy Discuss The Wage Gap Myth

Show page here. It's the third segment down, "Women and the Workforce".

"For decades, women made less money than men, even as they began to make up a bigger part of the workforce. These days, there's debate about whether that wage gap still exists, with some experts arguing that young women in big cities now make more than their male counterparts. But others say wage disparities are merely more insidious than in the past. Join Kojo as we look at wages, the work-life balance, and other issues confronting women in the modern workplace."

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It is so tired, listening to women like Kim Gandy @ NOW whining about the CHOICES they make!

Everything is patriarchal oppression, instead of their own freedom to make a path in life.

American women -- especially the privileged white women that make up NOW's alleged 500,000 membership (they refuse to verify their actual roster which is probably 10% of what they claim) -- these women are the most free people on the planet.

And yet we have to listen to this endless crying about inequality.

My advice to Kim Gandy is, go live in Saudi Arabia for a year.... and then report back about your oppression in America.

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We already know there's no wage gap, we know feminists think there is a wage gap, and we know Kim Gandy's a bald-face liar. So where's the news? Will it help things for MRA's to listen to new versions of her lies? Like maybe it will "psyche us up" to do something? If I listen to it, it will probably have the opposite effect and demoralize me!

This topic is wasting space on my screen. Next?


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As soon as I saw the words "Kim Gandy" and "Wage Gap", I thought to myself "I'll Pass".

We all know the wage gap myth is a load of crap. Men work more hours, and work at more dangerous jobs, hence why men make more money.

You know, where I work, a lot of women make way more money than me because they're waitresses and they get lots of tips. Is it fair that just because they're women they get tipped more than I do? No. Do I bitch about it though? No. I'm certainly not going to get into some rant about how misandry is responsible for them making more than me. If anything, it's because there are more male gamblers than female ones for the most part. That's why the waitresses get tipped more.

Come to think of it, it's way easier for women to make more money than men in jobs where tips are involved. We never complain about this, so why do women always complain about how they make less than us per-capita when they have it in their power to make more money if they want to? Perhaps they should stop bitching, and start working towards a better paying job.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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Of course it depends on how good the service is, and I don't particularly try to rip off women. But I have found over thirty years of working in, and eating in, full service restaurants, that the men do a better job waiting tables. Almost every time I've had crappy service it's been a woman. That's taking into account the fact, that most of them are women these days anyway (except mainly for the real classy places).

I just tip men higher because I know they are getting less from everyone else. Also when I first walk into a restaurant, I look around for a minute, and if I see a man waiting tables, I usually ask to be seated in his section. Of course in the couple of places right around here that I go to regularly, I try to get the same (male) waiter every time.

Another thing I have observed is that there are fewer men doing this job overall than there used to be, i.e. as mentioned above almost all are women. It wasn't like that in the 70's. I mean, most were still women but there were a good number of men too (including myself).

Men know better than to apply for jobs as waiters nowadays, because they will not be hired by some manager or hostess that looks down their nose, at a man who "is such a worthless dork to want such a job". It's just like in McDonalds, Dunkin Donuts, etc. - every once in a while, you see a middle-age or older woman working there, but never an older guy. That's cause they won't hire an older guy, no matter how bad he needs a job. Then feminists point to all the women in those jobs and complain, "look at the kind of jobs women get!"

BTW I know you weren't specifically talking about waiting tables in a restaurant, as you mentioned gambling. I suspect there's a higher proportion of men in your business, since it's a classier and more professional atmosphere than even the above-average restaurant.


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"BTW I know you weren't specifically talking about waiting tables in a restaurant, as you mentioned gambling. I suspect there's a higher proportion of men in your business, since it's a classier and more professional atmosphere than even the above-average restaurant."

I'm sorry I just found that funny b/c if you've ever been behind the scenes in the casino I work at you wouldn't say it was classier and more professional than the above-average restaurant. It's just a gambling joint here in Edmonton. And you're right. I wasn't talking about waiting tables specifically. I'm a dealer in the casino. I was just using the fact that the female waiters make more in tips than I do as an example as to how when it comes to working for tips, men are at a disadvantage. Though you never hear us complain about it.

P.S. I'm glad that u take that into account when a male server serves u in a restaurant. You're a good man, ax.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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