Mother Seeking C/S from Minor Father Arrested for Stat Rape

Story here. Excerpt:

'A Warren County mother who tried to get child support ended up getting arrested Thursday.

Twenty-two-year-old Kimberly Baker sued for support for her 3-year-old daughter.

Prosecutors became concerned when they found out father is 16 years old. That means he was 13 when the child was conceived.'

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Now if only the law will convict her of rape!

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Yes, she was arrested. But I would like to hear further on this story.

1) I bet she serves no real jail time.

2) Will custody of the child go to a parent or someone who is obviously better suited to raise a child instead of a pedophiliac rapist?

3) I also bet she does eventually get child support once he turns 18, maybe even back child support?

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I've seen at least a couple of cases on this website where women got child support from male minors. And these were adult women.

I'll bet this woman still gets child support from this kid, regardless of the charges.

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Unfortunately, this rapist will probably get awarded a revenue stream to spend however she pleases by the state. But if she gets convicted of statutory rape even with no time served that would be significant.
It would be getting the foot inside the door for starting the process of reform and getting the public's mindset out of denial about female pedos.

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