Breakdown in families 'as destructive as effects of global warming'
Article here. Excerpt:
'Britain is suffering from an epidemic of family breakdowns affecting all levels of society from the Royal family downwards, one of the country's most senior judges will say today.
Mr Justice Coleridge, who presided over the preliminary divorce hearings of Sir Paul McCartney and Heather Mills, will accuse Gordon Brown of prioritising the abolition of plastic bags over support for families, and say the Government is "fiddling while Rome burns".
Mr Justice Coleridge, 58, who is married with a daughter and two sons, is expected to say that the family justice system - comprising social workers, local authorities, mental health specialists and legal experts - is all that stands between the present dire situation and "social anarchy".
It is understood he will call for laws relating to unmarried couples to be modernised, giving cohabitees legal rights on separation, enforceable pre-nuptial agreements, and for reform of divorce law to remove the "fault" element and blame from the process.'
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Right observation, wrong approach to fix
Eliminate "fault"? Treat "cohabiting couples" as being married when they "separate"? Well maybe I am jumping to conclusions here but that will not make anything better. I'll tell you what it will do: make men afraid to live with women (even moreso) for fear they will get stuck with palimony problems. Then of course as the demand for housing goes up, so too will prices of apts. Oh to be a landlord when that happens! And eliminate the "fault" element? Well that will make an already overstrained divorce court system get even more overstrained.
His Lordship has the right idea but, at first blush, the wrong approach to the fix. Basically, in my mind, it comes down to this: People treat things like marriage as important and durable only if they truly believe it ought to be. Successful marriages, even moreso than successful businesses, are self-fulfilling prophecies that rely on the participants believing in what they are doing. Marriage as an instituion has died. There is not much anyone can do about that. It is now a very personal thing between two people-- and of course, the government. There are few reasons for a person to automatically assume he or she should "be married" by a certain time in their life. And as for kids having no dads, well, if the mothers would use birth control (such as the pill, 98% effective, vs. the condom, only 70% effective), this wouldn't be an issue.
I feel for the judge... he is standing on the deck of a sinking ship and is powerless to stop it. Like the captain of the Titanic, all he can do is give a few orders, watch them be fruitless, and wait to feel the icy cold waters rising around him...
I don't understand exactly where this guy's coming from
First of all it's a bad analogy, since the global warming problem has been blown way out of proportion (and even if it wasn't, family breakdown is the much more serious problem anyway). Secondly, it sounds like he's in favor of no-fault divorce..if I am reading the topic description correctly. That contributes to the problem. Also, he says,
"social workers, local authorities, mental health specialists and legal experts - is all that stands between the present dire situation and "social anarchy"."
I thought these were some of the people at the source of the problem?
This guy's intentions are obviously good, but it sounds to me like he is suffering from Alzheimer's or something.
Our leaders are donkeys
Read the comments at the article (mine is in there too). You will see that there are plenty of people who "get it" and can see how and why the problem has arisen. But the stupid thing is that those in a position to fix the problem have neither the desire nor the sense to do so.
Civilisation: man's greatest, and most unappreciated, gift to women
Justice Coleridge
I don't see any reason to be hopeful over these observations.According to Justice Coleridge the only
antidote for poison appears to be more poison.
Expect an escalation of injustices.Obviously this gentleman has just come back from planet ZOG.
Brilliant Observation There Judge!!!!
I guess if this judicial idiot was in the early stages of emphysema /lung cancer he would switch to filtered cigarettes and smoke only 2 packs per day rather than the usual 3 to cure it!
However, to his credit he is on the right track but is going in the wrong damned direction. Typical!
At least he noticed
Not much support for the judge, but at least he noticed there is a problem, even if he doesn't have any real solutions.
I'll bet he won't be a judge for much longer though...
MRA's are being heard
and this judge is just the tip of a long frozen iceburg. people are starting to "get it", big time. these guys (lawyers and judges) are pros at self preservation. they will try to bring it up, then jump on whatever ship is left that will have them. don't feel sorry for this judge. he knew better than anyone what he was doing when he was destroying families. i hope for his sake he has had an epiphany. for sure he sees that the great unwashed (us) have come to realize the truth about what they have destroyed. i predict they will also try to divert the ultimate solution (if middle ground can be won) into something they can use, so they and they alone can FIX their design flaws, and still hang onto this power over people, and still make a killing $$$.
imho if people really are interested in fixing the family they must eliminate anyone who was in any way responsible for the situation. that would be anyone on the + side of the $$$ flow. in short, ALL who have made $$ from this fiasco.
the Good Laws that we all need must have Honor, Justice, Truth, Fairness, Equality Under the Law, and the Trust of All the people. the opposite of the bad laws we have now.
CLEAR THE FIELD - The old one is contaminated and must be thoroughly sterilized.
i hope these Brit's can fix their terrible problem. they have a chance, once again, to lead the world somewhere good. if they can beat off the jackals.