More from "Men Create More Housework for Women"

Here is the story. Men create more housework for women??? Men are doing MORE around the house PLUS we do the outside work and home improvements!

How often does a wife want a new washer installed? How often does a wife want a new kitchen faucet installed? How about snow removal? How about a car that needs to be worked on? How about a room that needs painting? I can go on and on.


'Having a husband creates an extra seven hours of housework each week for women, according to a new study. For men, tying the knot saves an hour of weekly chores.

"It's a well-known pattern," said lead researcher Frank Stafford, an economist at University of Michigan's Institute for Social Research. "Men tend to work more outside the home, while women take on more of the household labor."'

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"For men, tying the knot saves an hour of weekly chores."

Yes, but it is more than compensated by a lifetime of misery.

I cannot believe these faux social scientists can still get paid for this kind of research.

Monty Python produced better data in the 1970's!

And they were just making it all up!

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I do most of the housework, all of the yard work, all the repairs and installations and all of our finances. I am also the breadwinner.

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Ooh look, another opportunity to bash men. What a novelty...

Civilisation: man's greatest, and most unappreciated, gift to women

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1) When the husband re-tiled the laundry room, he knocked over the lint basket.

2) When the husband cleaned the roof gutters and mowed and raked the yard, he got nettles in his socks that fell onto the floor in the foyer.

3) After the husband re-finished the garage, he tracked some drywall powder into the hallway.

4) After the husband did a complete engine re-build on the family car, he got some grease on the bathroom faucet handles.



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I was watching CNN when a female broadcaster briefly mentioned this story. She ended her 2 minute speech by saying: "Men, get off the couch!"

I'm not married but did live briefly with a woman about a year ago. Admittedly she did more household chores.

Its really based on an individual perception when something needs to be cleaned.

My ex was obsessed with vacuuming. Sometimes three times a day. She wouldn't let me do it because "I didn't do it correctly."

So yes, she did more house work but that was her CHOICE. She did more work than necessary.

Keep in mind I was living in Syracuse at the time. It snows a lot in central NY. Who was the one that shoveled snow and scraped the ice from both car windshields?

I was working full time and finishing my last semester. I definitely had my hands full. She was working part time and only taking 9 credits. In retrospect she should have cleaned more since I had a busier schedule and paid for most expenses.

Actually her schedule was pretty hectic considering she had her legs spread for half of Onondaga County.

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That's a great post. One for the archives!

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Women typically won't let men help with housework. Same for child care. Farrell asks, if these tasks are so terribly much work, why won't the woman allow the man to take part?

For one thing, women tend to have higher standards for household cleanliness (this has been pointed out by several authors - including Steve Moxon, who references research that shows women are better than men at seeing objects in arrays - men literally do not see as much dirt as women, on a given surface). But the thing about housework done by women, is that it expands to fill the time available. That is why your girlfriend vacuumed so often, more than was necessary.

As far as child care, they don't want to give up any of the power. Women know they are in a very powerful position, as the one who typically is most responsible for raising the child. No matter how much they complain about having to do this task "on their own", or how much they say they want the man to help with things like changing diapers or cleaning spills, when it actually comes down to the brass tacks they absolutely refuse help from the husband.

Being a woman in Western society really is a racket. They can claim they are overburdened but then refuse help. They are far over-privileged compared to men, but get away with claiming they are 'oppressed'. Norman Mailer was the one to create the phrase: the woman racket. I consider that to be one of his greatest insights in his lifetime..and the guy had lots of insight, as anyone who has read any of his books can attest to.

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After the husband paid all the bills, he neglected to put a nice flower arrangement on the dinner table.

Men are bad.

We really have no excuse.....

We need to spend more time examining our male character defects, and less time being critical about women.

It would be more productive, actually.

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