Glenn Debates Swedish Official Who Claims Men Are Primarily Responsible for Global Warming

Article here. Excerpt:

'The fact that women travel less than men – measured in person- kilometers per car, plane, boat and motorcycle – means that women cause considerably fewer CO2 emissions than men and thus considerable less climate change.

"If women’s consumption levels were to be the norm, both emissions and climate change would be significantly less than today. To put it differently, if men were to change their behavior, emissions and climate change might be a much more limited problem as compared to what it is today."--Gerd Johnsson-Latham'

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I bet if you removed people traveling for business reasons and limited it to people traveling for recreation, the opposite would be true.

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Seems to me the key issue is that men may make more money but they do so in order for women to SPEND more money. A part of the problem that needs to be addressed is women's out of control spending.

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Do these emmission figures take into account the fuel burned in freight, manufacturing and diposal of retail product, most of which are consumed by women?

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The statement "women travel less" is code for -- more women are stay-at-home moms who are not commuting to full-time jobs every day, as are men.

The fact that more men are commuting to work in order to support stay-at-home wives could actually be attributed to women requiring more Co2 emissions in order to maintain their privileged lifestyles.

Most men would probably be happy to "change their behavior..." if they were not wage slaves seeking to support females.

Oh, and let's not forget all those myriads of polluting bass boats that primarily men like to enjoy.

Silly argument and typically stupid feminist social science.

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We feminists don't have a solution to the problem so we are blaming men for it.

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An entire amish family probably produces less CO2 than a entitled western female, let alone her and her serf. Where shall we take this ridiculous bit of wishful thinking?

"If nobody worked and we didn't have civilization the earth would be so much greener!" - Old, phased out due to Google's policies. Archives here. - Current.

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What about when women go to get their hair or nails done, or go shopping? Doesn't that produce CO2 emissions? This is a genderless issue. Whether someone's a man or a woman, they're going to contribute to CO2, and as ned and Tom pointed out, a lot of women don't want to work, thus it's up to the man to do so. The women could be equally blamed in that case. The whole argument that men are responsible for global warming is just retarded.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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What about the school run? I don't know about Sweden but here in the UK there are loads of women (and some men) driving their kids to and from school every day.

What's more these journeys are often very short, less than a mile, and many of these kids could walk to school. And remember these cars are often parked for a long time outside with the engine running, pumping out exhaust fumes and clogging up our roads. This in turn makes journey times for other road-users even longer and more difficult, further adding to the emmisions generated.

In fact the growing obesity crisis could easily be blamed on this too, since these same kids who get used to being driven everywhere will do less exercise as adults. So these mums who insist on driving their kids everywhere are not only adding to road traffic emmisions they are also damaging their children's long-term health.

I don't know if these Swedish scientists took these considerations on board, but regardless this sounds like more anti-male junk science cooked up for a reason, that being an excuse to tax male motorists even more than women.

You read it here first!

"God is not on the side of the big battalions, but of the best shots".

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Odd, isn't it? Whenever fembots or their male flunkies are called upon to justify the myriad man-bashing advertising campaigns on TV, in magazines etc they always say "women control the majority of consumer spending" or "women are the primary consumers".


The economies of the west are dominated by consumer and service related industries. Ergo most of the economic activity in the UK, US and Europe is involved in the consumer sector. That means most of the pollution generated is for the transportation and supply of consumer goods. Most of which are bought by women.

What about countries like China and India, where these consumer goods are actually manufactured? Well, who's actually buying these things? Women, apparently. What's more a significant proportion of the people working in the factories that produce the pollution are also women (could any of you guys give sprovide more exact figures?)

Yet again we see the same old distorted claptrap from these people. And I'll bet you all a shiny new penny that these "findings" will be used to justify a green tax - levied exclusively on men...

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Anyway, that Glenn Sacks sounds like a cool guy. 8-)

I wish we had someone like him in England.

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