Submitted by SpikeRants on Wed, 2008-04-02 22:24
Video here.
So, a FIVE YEAR OLD has assault charges on him? This poor woman was threatened by a FIVE YEAR OLD? This is sick.
The mother has a blog of this event on the website as well. Not very well spelled or worded, but she was probably upset.
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Fathers are arrested for saying anything about their kids, because it is violating the child's privacy. But here is the little tyke on TV! Shouldn't the mother or somebody be arrested?
I agree
This is sick. Come on give me a break! This woman needs to grow up. If she does this to a 5 year old boy can you imagine being married to her (shudder)?
This woman needs a smack upside her head and I'd be more than happy to give it to her.
No Doubt!
Who the hell calls the cops on a 5 year old? What's the charge? He wasn't quiet during nap time? Women playing the victim has reached whole new levels.
Real Men Don't Take Abuse!
Now for the Ritalin...
Poor kid. He'll probably spend the rest of his childhood being pumped up to the eyeballs with Ritalin or whatever it's called.
I found it interesting that both of these women in the story appear to be single moms with no father in the household.
This appears to be a kind of cat fight between the moms using the kids as puppets.
Both women come off in the video looking like Texas white trash bimbos.
and another one - boy of course
just saw on today's news where a 6 or 7 yo boy has been labeled a sexual harasser on his permanent record for tapping one of the young priveleged princesses on the bum.
as ususal they had one of those rabid (ugly) feminist lawyers defending this zero tolerance policy. to be fair there was a sensible (pretty) woman giving the other sane side. even the commentator interrupted the nut and said she wouldn't feel this way if her son was being labeled for life for something stupid like this. but she just kept on w/ her rants.
maybe they need a question on the teaching job application, especially for administrators.
Q: Have you ever been committed to a mental hospital?
a. yes
b. not yet
Well, yeah, I can see that. Mainly with the one who called the cops.
The woman's reasoning for calling the cops was mentioned in the mother's blog: she had a niece who was a bad seed and wished the cops would have been called on her. This bad seed punched, yelled, defied authority, etc. This little boy scratched. It. Fin. First and only offense.