Anti-Feminism: What Is It?

Article here. Excerpt:

"Anti-feminists on the other hand propound that women have advanced in all spheres and share equal status in the world and due to this reason feminism is not required.

The view of anti-feminists that women are not dependant on men and that they share equal status, shows that this ideology is very different from male chauvinism.

Masculinism is associated with men’s rights and seeks to promote them. Masculinism, like anti-feminism, is also a response to feminism, but masculinism gets into concerns of equal child rights and social issues affecting men’s rights.

Masculinism is thus a counterpart of feminism and seeks to empower males in society and redress discrimination against them. Anti-feminists differ from masculists as anti-feminism is an ideology against feminism rather than an advocacy of male rights."

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It shows that us MRAs aren't out to prey on women's rights. I think Wendy McElroy oughtta read this.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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I don't think I'll ever call myself a masculist. To do so would be to risk having the same problem many feminists currently deal with. Most feminists aren't actually that bad, they just don't realize the true intent of the movement they follow. While they may want true equality, they support a movement that is all about the very opposite.

The same could be (and maybe already is) happening with masculism.

As my 10th grade World History teacher said: "The second rule of world domination is: Beware of extremists."

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imho we need to be careful. that's an old feminist trick, labeling

(remember dead beat dads, DV offenders (men only), pedophiles (men only),

rapists (mo), etc?),

splitting them out from others based on a suddenly universally accepted definition,

then expanding it to mean whatever they say, like rape being whatever women say, then

total societal vilification. he is definitely trying to put labels on us.

got guys here trying to decide which they want/don't want to be known as.

divide and conquer. it's worked before. i'm a MRA. end of story.

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Wendy McElroy's latest post on her ifeminist site is a request for a job.

She needs to find actual work that pays something.

Tells you a lot about what the "i" means.

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