England: Year's jail for 'wicked' false rape accusation

Story here. Excerpt:

'A woman who falsely accused a soldier of rape has been described as "wicked" by the judge who sentenced her to a year in jail.

Amanda Lang, 21, had consensual sex with Lance Corporal Philip Trowell after drinking with him at RAF Brize Norton, Oxfordshire. The act took place in Lang's bedroom which she shared with her pilot boyfriend.
"For a few days this man's life was turned upside down. You persisted with your story for 15 months so all the time he thought he was going to have to give evidence to prove you were lying.
"That is the evil of what you did - it undermines the whole process. This is a case where a message has to be sent out to everybody that false allegations of rape are insidious to a degree."'

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I think she should have gotten whatever he would have gotten if found guilty of rape. However a year in jail does make a person think about their actions somewhat. This is a small step in the right direction for men's rights.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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Frankly it's bullshit!

"I think most men would feel, if they were accused of rape, that they would tear their hair out."

Yeah, right. Many of them KILL THEMSELVES. Filing a tax return makes many people pull their hair out. Dealing with an uncooperative child throwing a temper tantrum in Wal-Mart makes many people pull their hair out. A false accusation of rape affects men AT LEAST as much as the most absolutely violent and appalling examples of physical rape committed against a woman. Not date rape, the worst violent grabbed, tortured, held hostage, disfigured, and repeatedly raped kind of rape. That's what a false accusation of rape is like. I know from fucking first hand experience it's a hell of allot more stressful and damaging to a person's soul then something that would cause one to "tear their hair out".

That judge hasn't got clue number one in his whole fucking head.

"For a few days this man's life was turned upside down. You persisted with your story for 15 months so all the time he thought he was going to have to give evidence to prove you were lying."

I guess we should all start responding to women who have been raped as having their lives turned upside down for a few minutes then. You know, what's the big deal, get over it already kind of attitude. Wonder how long that would last before feminists started screaming from on high and threatening to execute all those who oppose their will? Seconds I'd wager.

That quote does show the exact focus of the judge and the legal system in general when it comes to false accusations of rape, and shows precisely why we still have MANY MANY miles to go to achieve anything close to justice for the falsely accused. So where is his focus you ask? It's on the courts time, the time spent by the police and the justice system. It's not on the suffering of this man at all. She held steadfast to the lie for 15 MONTHS, yet the judge says "...a few days this man's life was turned upside down."

His life was turned upside down the second she told the lie and is FOREVER altered as a result. A few days, that judge should be disbarred.

But of course it gets better still as the very next paragraph reads:

"You caused an enormous amount of work and waste of time. The most serious aspect is that you have done womankind no good at all."

When was the last time you heard a judge sentencing a male rapist describe the worst aspect of his crime as the harm he's done to men? It's never fucking happened is where my money would be wagered. No concern for the victim at all, just concern for court time and womankind.

On a general reporting note, why the hell is the victim being named in this piece anyway? We protect the identity of those women who allege rape, why are we not protecting the identity of the poor man who's been through enough already by being the victim of this awful excuse for a human being?

James Reilly, defending Lang, said she was immature and had a troubled past and had suffered depression. He said the rape allegation came as a result of a "snowball effect" and the defendant realised she was wrong.

Ain't it just the sweetest thing that the article closes with a myriad of excuses for the lying, cheating, life destroying whore? Aww, can't be to hard on her in the reporting, lets give her defense attorney the last word so that people feel sorry for her and just want to give her a hug. Fucking lock that bitch up for the sentence he would have got if convicted of abducting and raping her. Then slap her ass on the sex offender registry and post signs on her fucking lawn when she gets out, people have a right to know not to go anywhere near this evil woman.

You know, treat her like our femicourts treat males.

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to actually see a sentencing look like an apology,
while butt kissing women's groups all the while.
you can tell where his bread is buttered.

and "it undermines the whole process".
so even judge stupidity realizes it? so why has it taken 40 years to
get around to finally sending a woman to jail for it?

she maintained her story for 15 months,
but he was only worried for a "few days"?
let's downplay his horror as much as possible. Typical.
MRA's are used to it.

and that final nail in the cross,
"the most serious aspect is that you have done womankind no good at all".

and we let these idiots JUDGE us?

bet: if he hadn't been a soldier even this apology for justice wouldn't
have happened. he had a whole army of mostly men watching. it's common knowledge
these brit judges
do their best feminist stanky stuff "IN THE DARK", don't they?

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