Opinion: "Feminism may go too far in girls vs. boys"

Article here. Excerpt:

'But as I sat in the stands of my local indoor soccer facility, watching my son's under-12 boys team being physically abused by a girls team, I couldn't help but wonder if perhaps feminism has finally gone too far.

During the game, I saw a female player actually punch one of our boys in the back of his head (the ref did not see it) and later, I saw my own son's face being smashed into the boards by another young lady. (The ref did see that.) I noted the parents of the girls' team smiling smugly whenever one of their players managed to knock over one of our boys.

We drill it into our boys' heads from a very young age that they should never push, shove or hit a girl; if anything, they are to step to the defense of a girl when necessary. Then we put them all out on the soccer field -- basketball court, wrestling mat, pick a sport -- together where the boys are supposed to be as physically competitive with girls as they would be with boys. We are confusing our boys.

If men abusing women is never appropriate, why should the reverse ever be all right? Our culture seems to be blurring the lines between feminism and offensivism.'

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I am glad she wrote this. However, and perhaps I am not giving her enough credit re playing to the audience, I think some of the wording was a bit too soft. "Maybe, just maybe, things are not as fair as we think... maybe, but..."

Personally I find it hard to imagine a little girl being utterly feministed into believing violence is their right to inflict on boys. The issue is less the little girls than the parents who are implicitly or overtly encouraging their daughters to behave this way. Children can be and often are violent when frustrated or being competitive, true for girls and boys. The whole process of "raising kids" includes teaching them that it is wrong to use violence to express their frustrations or to compete with others, is part and parcel of civilizing children and making them safe for themselves and others to live as adults. If these families don't teach their daughters to refrain from violence in a mistaken belief that this is good for their grrl-power thing, then what we have on deck is a generation of violent and indulgent women running wild and whacking passive, intimidated men around, with the many social and legal implications thereof. And it all starts in childhood.

Not a good future for anyone.

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I'm also glad she wrote it. It was overall really good, but I think she could have alluded to IVP and how men are equally likely to be victims of it, as women. And how usually the reason for this is b/c a lot of men are raised to not hit women, or they know that the woman could lie and say he initiated the fight and she was only defending herself. However, this part of the article really shone like a diamond in the rough:

"If men abusing women is never appropriate, why should the reverse ever be all right? Our culture seems to be blurring the lines between feminism and offensivism."

Well said and an excellent play on words. I'm glad to hear that some people agree with me that anti-male violence is no more appropriate than anti-female violence. It was also great how she pointed out that 12 year old girls, who a lot would think innocent, can actually be quite vindictive and just for the sake of spiting the opposite gender. It was definitely a good read, and a victory for our side.

BTW, I took the time to write Holly a thank you letter. I think all of us oughtta do so.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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Comment from article:

"What is called "feminism" has brought women the right to vote, the right to keep their own money, to open a line of credit, to divorce and keep their kids, to sit on juries."

"TO DIVORCE AND KEEP THEIR KIDS" Right you are, that's what feminism has done. And that's why organizations such as MANN exist.

"open a line of credit" which her husband pays for

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You can always spot a feminist by her total lack of concern for the entirety of humanity and absolute focus on her self.

Her money, her kids, her vote, her divorce.... never a thought outside of herself. That's a sure sign your talking to a feminist.

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No,no,no.If you want to keep drilling it into your
boys heads that they should not be rough with girls
why the hell are you letting them compete with girls on a physical level.all you are doing is humiliating them and enhancing female violence.You are piling
confidence into women and doing the work of feminism
for it.Either the boys stop thinking of girls as
a fragile gender or they stop competing and refuse to play their game.
The joke is on you my friend.

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As I read the article I thought "why bother?"

"we women" this, "we women" that...

And to end - men who "know how to treat a lady".

Same old cow-sh*t. Even when talking about the abuse of boys or men - whether it be physical or emotional - it always ends up being about women.

Women women women women......

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Don't U Guys See that she only alluded to female entitlement to make a point that all of us have made? The point of course being that the way us men are mistreated would make chilvary seem laughable.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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