11-YO Girl Attempts Murder, Gets Tasered

Florida School Security Officer Tasers 11-Year-Old Girl

That title seems a bit more in keeping with what REALLY HAPPENED than the title of the Fox News article:

So, the girl attempts to MURDER a fellow student, ASSAULTS a teacher, and the article is made to indicate that the poor girl was tasered for NO GOOD REASON.

If it was a guy, I bet it would have used my title.

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The person she tried to kill gets no justice at all as the girl was only charged for her actions against school staff and officials.

She'll end up getting a free university education or or a chauffeur to drive her around or something out of this because everyone knows the only way to help a troubled girl is to keep giving her things till she stops being bad.

Boys get detention, girls get presents

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Shouldn't the girl have been charged with attempted murder too? Oh, I get it, she probably tried to push a boy into oncoming traffic, and that's why no one cares. The media has made it clear time and time again that a female abusing a male is supposed to be comedy, not a crime. /sarcasm

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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