Good Piece on Aging Men and Testosterone Levels

Good clip here (embedded video) from on men and testosterone levels changing as we age. Also pleasing is the non-taunting, matter-of-fact way things are presented without the usual misandrist sideways jabs. And, it has good advice for helping with this age-induced state.

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Mine has never been high, and it took a drastic drop at 27.

Fatigue, depression, crankiness, forgetfulness, all of that comes with it.

I had my T levels checked and they were below the lowest part of the "reference" range.

Did they treat them?

No, they checked em again. Same thing.

Did they treat it then?

No, they checked them again. (Had I run out of money yet?) Same thing.

You need to see an endocrinologist.

Did they treat it then?

"Let's just check it ONE more time..." this time it was literally ONE NANOGRAM OVER the lowest part of the reference range.

"I see no problems with this...."

If I wanted my genitals cut off and to grow breasts, I'd have had oestrogen in a heartbeat.

Oh, and the doctor sent me (along with a large bill) the wonderful news that his laptop with my medical info on it was stolen, so goodness knows WHO has this info.

So rather than treat the problem (99.9% of the time my testosterone is barely detectable) the medical establishment would much rather I take Paxil, Effexor, Viagra, and about four other meds.

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Well, they already sold your foreskin to the cosmetics industry the day you were born and/or circumcised.

And now, at mid-life, Big Pharma has a deep pull-down menu of pills, gels, and prosthetic devices to enhance male sexuality.

In other words, male non-libido has been identified as major bank.

Only, let's not educate medical students about nutrition and exercise as the preferred, low-cost, independent-of-the-drug-industry alternatives.

For all the money a man might spend on pills to address his "sexual dysfunctions," he could purchase a top-of-the-line bicycle and easily ride his way back to health in a few weeks.

Flagging male desire for women might just also be a successful adaptation to living in a feminist matriarchal culture where women have become imitation men.

What exactly is desirable about the average bovine female specimen in the plus-40 category?

Men are born with 50 times more naturally produced testosterone than women.

Feminism has been seeking to culturally counteract that biological fact for forty years now.

Merely witnessing daily what American women have devolved into is reason enough to explain the drop in men's testosterone.

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