Give dad the boot, this is what you get

Britain has, if not the highest incidence of single motherhood in the First World, then one of the highest, and the highest crime and alcohol and drug abuse rate among children of both sexes. Time covers the whole awful mess in this week's issue, here. By making marriage (or at least stable long-term relationships) as unattractive as possible to its young men with one feminist-inspired piece of legislation after another and by the same mechanism marginalizing/criminalizing the fathers of children, it is sewing what it has reaped: social chaos.

America and other countries are on the path: France, Germany, Australia, Spain, the list goes on. In 50 years, western countries have gone or are going from vibrant, powerful, and generally prosperous and content to being economically stagnant/declining, uninspired, and dangerous places for law-abiding people to live.

What of drugs? There were plenty of drugs back in the 1950s: heroin, marijuana, cocaine, etc. And bad examples from Hollywood and the rest of the MSM? Plenty abounded back then, too. But the emotional and behavioral stability fathers gave their children made most kids strong enough to recognize what these things were and not indulge (or at least not plunge themselves into using like they do now). Respect for dad's prohibitions kept children away from the bad stuff until they were old enough to do it without paternal guidance. Now, for so many kids, those crucial few years where life-long patterns of behavior and judgment get set, are without this moderating influence.

Hear that avian crowing and cackling? Those are the chickens home to roost. Roosting comfortably and securely in a nest sculpted by feminists and their socio-political lap-dogs.

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I am always suspicious about theories that equate feminism as a CAUSE of social and economic crises.

I believe feminism is a consequence of the economic decline of societies that have forced women into the labor market.

The free market always requires more slaves.

Most women, if they told the truth, would like to be at home making and raising babies.

They do a few years in the full-time world of work and pretty soon decide it's not what they hoped for.

85% of elite private university female students say they want to be at-home moms.

This is a prescription for national economic collapse!

Especially since 60% of university students are now female.

It is not especially complex to see where America is headed.

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The market didn't drive feminism nor did men, bitches did that and now they have to face the consequences. Don't blame the market for the selfishness of women.

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just a few months ago i remember a study of columbia female grads 10 yrs after,

and only a small percentage were still pursuing a career at their government paid for,

affirmative action enabled "profession". wasted limited space in colleges,

wasted tax payer $$ (like that's new) and men who could have been engineers, scientists

and doctors cast aside to please the fleeting whims of amerikan feminism.

yeah, i hear the clucking too. and it ain't pretty.

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Which bitches?

That is not a credible analysis.

Name names.....

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it was quite an experience looking for it. lots of research trying to explain why women make less $$ in the work place. it was interesting how the wording in much of the "impartial" research was sooo biased against men. as usual, scientific research by women trained in the fem-colleges of today reeks w/ feminism. i did find this, however, which explains (to me at least) part of the reason for this phenomenon.

"Maternity Leave and Employment Patterns for First-Time Mothers 1961 - 2000" study issued 2005.

"One in four women quit their job around the time of the birth of their first child (26 %)"
pg. 8.

the cdc also has some interesting numbers on women who don't remain in the work force, and how it relates to women's health. none of the research i found really addressed the possibility that the reason for less pay (if it actually exists) might have something to do w/ jumping in and out of the workforce at will, returning after years, and expecting to make a comparable salary as a man who has worked and gotten more experience the entire time she was being a mother, or whatever she was doing. don't get me wrong, i am entirely in favor of either parent taking positive steps to make sure the existing marriage and family survives/thrives, given the stat's on what a poor chance it has. but getting to the top needs to be earned, not legislated.

btw - i noticed that u.s. men's life expectancy was like 10 years less than men in most oriental cultures? we were way far down on the list. so i'm moving.

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I think I know why Oriental men live longer than North American men. It's because their wives actually treat them with loyalty and respect. Thus, they actually want to live a long fulfilling life, instead of welcoming death after being used and abused for decades.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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