Female Pilot "selected" to make first landing at new Heathrow Terminal 5

Read about it here. Excerpt:

'British Airways' first female pilot has been selected to fly the first plane to land at Heathrow's new Terminal 5.

Capt Lynn Barton, 51, became BA's first woman pilot in 1987. She will be the flight commander on BA026 from Hong Kong, landing at 0450 GMT on Thursday.

"I was incredibly proud to have been British Airways' first ever woman pilot and now I have another first to my name," Capt Barton said.'

I wonder how BA's 3,000 male pilots felt about having this opportunity. Ms Barton is one of 176 female pilots.

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It's "progressive steps". Remember it's only discrimination if the part in question is non-white and non-male. Then, its just fine. In fact, you should hold a party over it!

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I hope the all-male pre-flight maintenance crew does a very thorough check of the landing gear and tire pressure on that plane!

I'm sure she is a quite competent pilot.

But she'll be having a hissie fit thinking about her fame and all the media coverage.

Her co-pilot is a guy, right?

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I hear female pilots have a sub-par safety record.


"The sunshine bores the daylights out of me.
Chasing shadows moonlight mystery."

[Rolling Stones]

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It doesn't appear that she was selected just b/c she's a woman. Nor does it appear that feminist groups made a big stink demanding that a female make the first flight to the terminal. So, since it appears no pandering has taken place, I'm not upset by this. More power to her!

But keep in mind, in saying this, I'm no less an MRA. I just don't see this in particular as gender discrimination. Though Matt does have a point about how discrimination is fine if it's against men or whites. Sad world, indeed.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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Nice new Stones sig quote Anthony.

"Rocks Off" right?

"Kick me like you've kicked before,
I can't even feel the pain no more."

It amuses me to think about how Mick has made his living writing the exact opposite of Paul McCartney's silly Beatles love songs, and I'll wager both men have paid women millions of dollars for the privilege of "knowing" them.

Apparently riches encourage Chivalry....

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absolutely! "Exile on Main Street"


"The sunshine bores the daylights out of me.
Chasing shadows moonlight mystery."

[Rolling Stones]

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That was probably those boys last honest album.

I prefer Beggar's Banquet.

They were the best rock 'n roll band in the world, until Brian Jones died, and then they decided to parody themselves.

Saw them recently.


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