"He Had It Coming": A Book Men Heading for Divroce Need to Note

Driving in today, I heard a radio "interview" with the author of this book. It was done in the style of a late-night infomercial where the interviewer seems to be skeptical and take up Devil's Advocate but of course is quickly won over. (The interviewer worked for the radio station, too.)

I found little surprising in what was said simply because I have heard it so much before. Still, somehow, the glaring foolishness and sheer mercenary thinking espoused (no pun intended) by such people still shocks me. The author is very direct and specific about the importance of doing certain things to make sure the wife "gets the house" (note: 'the house', not 'his house', which is the case most times, as he is paying for it). And she also of course had to declare women still get the 'short end of the stick' in divorces.

Title? "He Had It Coming: How to Outsmart your Husband and Win Your Divorce". Not content to make a fortune doing divorces, the author also had to make money on it by writing a strategy book (geared to women only, of course) on the topic.

But, like Hillary, I am sure she is just a lovely person when you meet her in person. >)

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The authoress looks like Heather Mills-McCartney's twin sister.

Same blonde bimbo arrogance and eyes like a great white shark.

What kind of society breeds these types of female predators?

Certainly not an intelligent one.

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anyone "wins" in a divorce in the first place. The sheer arrogance of that statement says it all. Just don't bother getting married and you can avoid the whole mess.

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Isn't this the same woman who's law firm had the billboard: Life is short, get a divorce?

I remember her looking kind of like a hard-lined, aged, sharky-looking version of jennifer anniston.

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This seems to be the epilogue of the Pink Bible, which teaches women how to manipulate men into marrying them. This is part two, the divorce. It makes me sick how women could even consider marrying just for the sake of divorcing and taking half his stuff, and still be able to look at themselves in the mirror and sleep at night. It's prostitution in the truest sense of the term. The only difference is that instead of a pimp whoring out the women, it's the women whoring themselves out with the help of a money-grubbing legal droid who gets a cut of the ill-gotten loot. Women like that should be jailed, honestly. What purpose do they serve society?

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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Well,just to be philosophical ...

In order to be a prostitute, you have to have a commodity that some desperate man wants, right?

There is an obvious solution.

Boycott the pussy racketeering!

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