Mother Makes First Court Appearance After Allegedly Trying To Kill Teen Son

Story here. Excerpt:

"Largo police say 52-year-old Celeste Minardi tried to kill her own son over the weekend. He's only fifteen years old. And, the way she allegedly did it, even has police officers shaking their heads in disbelief.

It happened during a Saturday afternoon court-appointed visit at a Largo psychiatrist's office. This is where Minardi and her son have been going for the past 3 years. Visits under supervision. It is still a mystery as to why this mother is under guard with her child on these occasions.

Police say, when a nurse who was present turned her head, Minardi took a 15-inch decorative dagger and a drywall knife out of her purse, and began slashing her son."

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"It is still a mystery as to why this mother is under guard with her child on these occasions."

Couldn't have ANYTHING to do with the fact that she has threatened him in the past - and apparently just about everyone else she knows according to the article - and gave it her very best effort to follow through with the threats in a very calculated pre-meditated way.

Yup, sure is a mystery to me. I mean, who knew that statistically a child who dies of homicide is most likely to have been murdered by that child's own mother then anyone else? Oh wait, it's been in every report of cause of death death statistics for the last century or so.

Still gotta report it like it's some kind of freak accident and totally shocking though.

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He's going to deal with this emotional trauma for a long time.


"The sunshine bores the daylights out of me.
Chasing shadows moonlight mystery."

[Rolling Stones]

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that the woman has cancer and is going to die. I know it sounds cold and I never thought I would say something like that. But a waste of skin like that which would attack her own child for absolutely no reason deserves it. Stupid bitch!

BTW, Paragon took the words right out of my mouth. For anybody who's been murdered, there's a 40% chance that the mother of the victim did it. Yet, false abuse allegations against males are usually upheld without evidence. I think it should be the other way around, considering that women are clearly more violent towards their children.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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With all the absurd/false statistics feminists vomit throughout society, the legitimate ones are ignored. In this case child abuse. Ignoring the facts hurts children. While the media sensationalizes male violence, they seem to ignore the most vulnerable [children], who are more likely to fall victim to their mothers.


"The sunshine bores the daylights out of me.
Chasing shadows moonlight mystery."

[Rolling Stones]

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Its been a while since we've spoken. I hope things are well.


"The sunshine bores the daylights out of me.
Chasing shadows moonlight mystery."

[Rolling Stones]

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Just really busy lately, working for one company and trying to get my own business started. I still read every single post here everyday, I just often don't have the energy left to type a reply lately. But I definitely need to make the effort more.

Thanks for the concern though, it's appreciated

It's a shame that this evil woman has the 'I'm dying' card to potentially avoid any real consequences. With luck though, she really is dying and despite the fact that perhaps her attack on her son was an effort on her part to get her medical bills paid for by the State (can't let a female inmate die in prison of a health related issue), she'll kick the bucket before she gets to trial and her son will at least get the peace of knowing she's not going to be out there somewhere looking to finish the job.

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