Nurse pleads no contest to killing 10 patients

Article about a nurse who killed 10 people. No comments on my part....just a news story. Excerpt:

'FORT WORTH, Texas (AP) -- A former hospital nurse pleaded no contest Tuesday to killing 10 patients nearly six years ago by injecting them with a drug used to temporarily halt breathing.

Vickie Dawn Jackson, 40, will be sentenced to life in prison, the maximum sentence she faced if she had been convicted by a jury.

Authorities have not offered a motive for the slayings.'

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If this were a male nurse, it'd be all over the headlines.

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Some years ago a female nurse in the UK named Beverly Allitt killed about 12 patients over a period of time, and it WAS all over the news.

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This happened in Texas and the state plea bargained this case?

I thought serial murderers of this sort got the death penalty in Texas. Ten murders and she may get parole?

She should have played the Andrea Yates card and tried for not guilty by reason of insanity.

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I don't doubt that had a male nurse committed this crime, the case would have received far more media attention. And I suspect the Texas authorities would have arranged for the man to get the death sentence.

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Usually, in cases like this, the accused will bargin to get life imprisionment rather than face the potential of the death penalty. However, the article did state that she was not in fear of that possiblity.

In all honesty, I've got a few problems with the death penality. Not so much that it exists, but in the way it is applied. But that is a discussion that doesn't directly apply to this site.


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