"$100 Million for 10,000 Women"

Story here. Excerpt:

'Thousands of women entrepreneurs in developing countries have started their own businesses in the past few years, many with help from local microfinance banks and nonprofits that issued them small loans and financial support. The concept has taken off, but there has been one key flaw in the model: Most of the women have little, if any, formal education and lack the management skills and financial savvy to take their business to the next level. On Mar. 5, investment bank Goldman Sachs (NYSE:GS - News) announced it would change the equation by pumping $100 million into educational projects for these women over the next five years.

Dubbed "10,000 Women," for the number of women it intends to reach by 2013, the program is designed to build on existing programs and create new ones by supporting partnerships between U.S. business schools and universities and schools in developing countries. The program is aimed at women, organizers say, because closing gender gaps in education and employment yields greater returns in economic growth in developing countries. For instance, Goldman estimates that improving female education in the BRIC nations (Brazil, Russia, India and China) and another 11 developing countries can boost per-capita income by as much as 14% over baseline estimates by 2020.'

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The next problem will be that women will clue into the fact that education and running a business is, like, ya know...WORK!
It will always be far easier for women to marry their wealth, so women will always be underrepresented in the work force. This will always be called discrimination. Men will always suffer for this.
The only way women will be equally represented is when men officially make work so easy for them that all that 'work' will entail is showing up at an office once in awhile, and continually augmenting an already-inflated wardrobe.

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What do women define as their essential "work?"

Other than their squirting out babies?

For which they seem to believe they deserve a lifetime of financial support?

I know they want to dabble in careers and make big money until they land their ideal sperm donor.

Their entire biology is designed to produce babies and then they whine about it....

What's up with that?

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"The next problem will be that women will clue into the fact that education and running a business is, like, ya know...WORK!"

Either that, or the next problem will be these businesses competing and losing to businesses run by big, bad men.

Solution: Sink another $100 million into destroying man-owned businesses, so the glorified woman-owned business can succeed.

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Is it just me, or doesn't it seem stupid to give 100 million to a bunch of people lacking the education to properly manage such a large sum just because they have vaginas? Whatever... you don't have to look far to see misandry staring you back in the face.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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There are only two types of women who will give up their opportunity, for the vastly greater power they would get from being the heads of families, than from having a work career:

1)A woman with a "male-pattern" brain (task-oriented, etc.)

2)A gullible dipsh**.

There's lots more of the second kind than the first out there, and business and the government are exploiting them in the name of "equality". And they (business and government) are making the nation's productivity and economy worse, by having these type programs, since most women are mediocre workers/managers.


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