Marc Rudov to host his own radio talk show

Marc Rudov, an advocate for men and fathers and frequent guest on FOX News programs (as well as many other media appearances worldwide), has begun his own radio talk show. Per his recent newsletter:

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"On Thursday, 03.27.08, at 2PM ET (11AM PT), I will begin hosting a new radio talkshow, "The Marc Rudov Show." This show will succeed ONLY if YOU call me on the air. I'll use this platform as another weapon in my arsenal -- besides my Web site, books, podcasts, articles, and radio/TV guest appearances -- to inspire men to take action, to improve their lives.

"Go to for details. The call-in number is: 877.474.3302. Use it!

"Also: Tell your friends around the world to tune in. WSRadio will archive all the shows."

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Am I loving it or what?!!! Great job, Marc!!!

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Is it going to be web streamed?

I couldn't tell from first glance at Marc's site.

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This is an MRA's fantasy come true. Go Marc Go!

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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So are the men that agree with them and protect the feminist lie.

Men are now creating something they have never had before here in the FemAmerica; A voice for themselves.

Mr. Reality's New Story: Terri Lynn Tersak: Another Feminist Trojan Horse

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As this "voice" starts to become more mainstream in the mass media ... watch for the feminist trojan horses and the spin tactics to co-op it.

Stay radical.

Distrust anyone who is not a true MRA.

Use the iFeminist litmus test!

You get it.

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Don't worry Mr. Reality will always stay on point! I just finished slapping another faux egalitarian monkey off of her stool!

The smear campaigns are already starting to increase as the public acknowledgement of misandry increases. This was expected; our enemies are masters of deception. A sincere attempt will continue to be made -- by those we have exposed -- to drag MRA issues through the mud. This will be done both in our own arenas (as can be seen here) and will continue in the mainstream media.

The uphill battle we are facing only serves to show the very real power behind our enemies' ideological stance. Their weakness however is they do not speak the truth. Our enemies will not relent nor simply "give men the freedom they seek." These things must be fought for, especially when attempting to gain equal rights for a gender that has been disposable throughout history(i.e. Men).

There is a reason this is known as a gender war.

On another note: This story has been up on my site for a few days now(I had it posted over there before someone posted it here). It is important that when news like this comes along that we spread it as far as possible!

Congratulations Marc!

Mr. Reality's New Story: Terri Lynn Tersak: Another Feminist Trojan Horse

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Hey MrReality,

I'm not that "old!"


Old is a lack of curiousity and a disinterest in learning.

I will die with a younger mind than a lot of twenty year olds.

My point being -- MRA's need to unite across generations as comrades in the Gender War.

I still know how to disassemble, reassemble and lock 'n load an AK-47.


I learned that when I was fighting on the correct side of a failed revolution.

So, I am fairly serious about winning the war against feminism -- non-violently of course. (I am a pacifist until you threaten me and then I dispense with that quality.)

MRA's need to lock 'n load their MINDS.

It is starting to happen!

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What ever happened to Glenn Sack's radio program?

It was great.

Maybe it can be revived now that Marc has gone mainstream?

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I am completely in agreement that Glenn needs to get back on the radio or a webstream channel, because he was a FANTASTIC interviewer and commentator!

I miss his voice.

He is obviously a writer of quality in print.

But I have always thought his talent was more in the direction of talk and dialogue.

Somebody could make major bank off of Glenn if they wanted to....

I suspect he's too happy being a stay-at-home dad with beautiful children.

Just my theory, because I would make the same decision.

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I don't bother myself with such trivial things anyway. If you live your life right you will gain even more knowledge as you get older. When I hit my senior years I plan on being a mental powerhouse X100.

Age means nothing. It's just a number. I know 50 year olds that are healthier than people in my age bracket.

The only people I see lying about and obsessing over "being young" is women and this generation of feminized boys they have raised. Also, I agree that MRAs need to lock'n'load their minds. The women's movement resorts to violence and falsehoods killing and lying in the name of "empowerment(Women are always cheering on violence against men in the name of "equality")."

Men are natural thinkers(and in contrast men are the ones that truly fall in love. Women use the word love like the word 'the.'), therefore we have an advantage if we would only learn how to use it 24/7.

Mr. Reality's New Story: Terri Lynn Tersak: Another Feminist Trojan Horse

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