"Women Behind Bars"

Typical news story about the rising rates of female jail offenders-- and of course how much harder it is on them than their male counterparts. Excerpt:

'Jackson's scenario is a fairly common one for incarcerated women, he said. Two-thirds of all women in state prisons are parents of minor children; many have substance abuse problems.

"It is illustrative of a lot of the problems with drug sentencing," King said.'

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I only got through half of that article before I had to stop reading it any more because it is just so infuriatin.

Every single excuse they used (up to the half way point where I stopped reading) is also applicable to men. Men love their children and their children need them to.

The fact that women are getting jail time at all is a step towards gender equality.

I know! Let pull a title IX on women and demand equal representation in prisons for women! 50/50 right down the middle. Can't have a single male bed in a prison without a corrosponding female bed. Must maintain equal population numbers between men and women.

Who'd think that was unfair? Everyone?

Well, given that women on average show only a tiny fraction of the interest in sports compared to men, it seems unfair to demand equal representation.

At least women do commit crimes at a pretty close ratio to men (they only get turned in, cought in the act rarely and only a small number of the one's that do get prosecuted).

That'll never happen. We have to many mangina congressmen already who help get laws enacted to persecute men and then try to solicite sex acts fom teenaged pages (looking at you Mr. foley). Hypocrites all!

Time for a freaking revolution!


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