Fox News Ignores Male DV Victims and Pumps Up the Misandry... Again

Read it here.

"You might be surprised to learn that the most dangerous place for a woman in the United States is her own home. Domestic violence is the single biggest threat of injury to U.S. women — more than heart attacks, cancer, strokes, car accidents, muggings and rapes combined!"

Ed. note: This article is a couple months old, apparently; it is cited here in a comment dated 6/13/06. Still, it's a fine example of Fox's inability to see male DV victims.

I have seen this Fox analyst's name before attached to similar such rantings, too. Looks like she's a regular, and a law professor to boot. I can only imagine what being a man in one of her classes (or someone who dares speak the truth about DV in it) must be like.

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I had seen the documentary Outfoxed when they were showing it privately before the theatrical release. Most people came to the conclusion that they had a conservative bias here in the states and thus they had a conservative bias. But Fox has a liberal bias in Britain. And Fox curries favor with the governments of whoever is in power for special priviledges.

It looks like Fox sucks up to whoever is in power. If the USA swung wildly to the left I'm guessing it would take 2-3 years for Fox to make that swing.

I don't have the name of the author of "Friendly Fascism" at hand but he defined Fascism as a marriage of big government and big business. I see Fox in this light -- they suck up to those in power, big government and women to a lesser degree.

A protest idea would be to have a mass demonstration at the front door of an opinion leader be it Fox or the New York Times. A big noisy attention getting demonstration to get a simple message into the national consciousness: "The [media_outlet] has an anti-male bias and cannot be trusted." Plus be sure to inform those working there the evil that they're working for and encourage them to see legitmate work elsewhere...

If more people think "bias" whenever Fox of the New York Times come up, it will definitely help...

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I sent an e-mail to Fox News back in early June complaining about Lis Wiehl's false factual claims regarding women and domestic violence. In her essay she puts forth the same old feminist lies about DV that Glenn Sacks, Warren Farrell and others have debunked. I wish we could persuade Fox News to invite a guest like Sacks on their show to refute Wiehl's lies.

I do like to watch O'Reilly's show in the evening -- the Factor. I've noticed that he is critical of women who commit serious crimes (he doesn't always try to make excuses for them), and he does hold female teachers accountable for their statutory rape of underage male students. Again, he doesn't try to minimize the seriousness of their offenses, like Jeraldo Rivera and others sometimes seem to do.

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